Page 3 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 3

from the desk of
William “Bill” Iurner
y the tame yuu read this assue of Tennessee 811
Magazane, we wall have eompleteel our annual meeting
anrl 20th annual gulf tournament. our annual meetang
is always held during the tirst or seeonel week Di Apul. It
is a great opportunity In find out what Tennessee 811 has
aeeomplisheol during the previous year All department
heads (cls/IT, Marketing, HR and call center) present
thear aeeomplishments anrl malestones that were achleved
an the preuaous year. our annual golf tournament is a good
oppoztunlty tra meet rather damagc preventlon prptessaoaaals
anal share auleas.
The Tennessee Enroroement lsraarrl has been meetang on
a regularbasis and as slarlmg tn bulld up steam several
repraneel varalatarans have been presenteel to the executive
commlllce and, as of this wntlng, 18 of those have been found
an vmlnlmn of the Underground utalary Damage l-reventaon
Aet Those vaolatrars wall have so elays tra seheotule anel eomplete lmmlng anal pay any
assueaated fine as Imposed by the Entureement Board. 1 am happy tn report that Tennessee
811 has negotiated a tontmn wath the TEA anal wall be pezfunmng the viralator training.
Tennessee 811 wall offer an AM and PM training elass at Tennessee 811's office rane elay per
mranth (anataally the last weelneselay of the month) with the possabalaty of addlng addllianal
rlays elepenelang on the tlemanrl. ln aalrlataun, Tennessee 311 will pertorm the vaolator training
program on premise, as requested. There wlll be an aelelational charge to have the Immmg
eome |o the varalator's lraeataon. Tralnmg wall be perttarmeel by the Tennessee 311 liaason start:
Craig. Kathy anal lasran
lt as amportant Io repran all Vlolnt|on~ of the UUDPA to the TRA. There as a link on our websate
It/IA/IA/.f('rItt811.(uvll to the Complalnl/Vlolatlon form. some helphal lunts when mportlng a
‘ violataon; provaele eletaaleel eloeumentatuan of the vaolataon, and paetures anal testamomes
are always helphal The mun: minnnallun you prravaele, the better equappeel the investigator
is to eomplete thear anvestagataran Eaeh vaolation as assigned a unique varalatiran number by
the TRA see the amclz an this assaae submatterl by the Tennessee Publlc utalaty commassaran
l (TPUC) and keep an eye out far guadante an upcumlng issues of thas magazme.
Thank you for your erantanueel support and lrayalty to Tennessee 811.
‘ Mission statement
To Pmvlde [hr
Best Crsvllvlllmmztitm, Edlmzfitut and Nunflrrmtm San/lrc
fu Tarllimft Damage Pl'evt'm‘llm to uaaaergmatttt tmmies.
r wallaam ”Elll” Turner
1 l’n>.\ldevnt
‘ reanesee tut
2017, Issue? Termesseesll . a

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