Page 8 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 8

Tennessee 811 Planning for Inaugural
Damage Prevention Su mmit
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he Damagu Prcvcntlon sumnnt D an annual regional
cc/x pattnet event. Pcrlmpx ynu'\'c attended ene at
the many cvcnb In M1s~I~>)pPl, /\l:lbzln1t1, Lnuhlzlna Ur
Tex.» The fnCu~ e te bung taleehnleleta Wllhln a atate

together. Bcgmmng with ztllx, Ienneme 811 brings ll hunm
te MuI[IL\'~b(:m Crt1lg‘ngrt1|'l’1, Publlc AwarcnL‘~~ Manager
let 811 .atd, "VVIU1 all the cunslrilcllon gum}; nn In
TL‘nnL‘~,~.L'c, wc WCIL‘ kloklng tat new and mete cncctlvc way. tn
bung penple together tn ~11arc pcI~pL‘:tIvc~ we wzlnkud tn «cc
tt we can find lnnnvzmvls way» nl working mgcthcr In the heet

whtle lhcrc ate eetnntnn chzlllcngcs ilcro» the ennntty

a~ they rclatc te working nnth underground IItlIltIC~, the

1'RENCH5A|:E1'y      bu   
D\'cIcmwdL‘d rlghl~—L»f—\\’£\y, the ~11L\'r volume of n.m~tIuctI<ln
$ and SUPPLY and unmawlnzlblu dcadllnu ean eteate a ntghtnaate let the
.U. M uflninmmwn SIM" ERUWMEM mmmy I(\Ct1lnrt1nd/OIullllty0\\'nI1r/()pCml(\rtrying tenteetthe new

demands whlll: lrylng tn .tay caught up walk the dally tnuttne
Typl:.1l|y,Itl~' ttue that the hettet working rClatmn~1'1Ip we hm’:
wtth ethet pr(\[L‘~~l()nal>, the hettet the .eh goes. The more

we trust and rL‘~pL‘(l ene anethet, the mete llkcly \\lc’1l work
mgclhlsr tn rc~ol\'c the nane

- _ _ And that is the eeneept er the Damage Prcvcnm.m5IImnut
Memphls no” 346 5800 Simply pill, tt la an cvcnk dcugnud lubnng all ~tt1kL‘holdcr~
_ together tn ducu» dlrflcull hsllcs wlthln then nwn k)catlon~.
Nashvllle — (615) 291-9 98 0 lt >¢L‘L‘n]~‘ lnglcal that excavation ~axL‘ly l»uc~' en Matn Slrcct

In ynut town can best he IL‘~()I\/ed by yen and the folks whe
work 0|’ llvc nn M.nn stteet |n your tnwn. The hepe ta that

at the Event, yen can ~ht1n: what y1.»II'\'c leatneel wlth ()k11L‘r

5. Tervlesseefill 2017 Vssuel

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