Page 17 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 17

with apologies to e e Cummings y /.
E)/Joelger / ; .
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efum ertterrrrg the conslrutllun apparently was the same hrte wa.- not And ti we rtegutrated a ~l1r1nng tat costs,
hem, [was a teaeher, artd marked 250 feet away etther. we rerrtamed good to our wurd I aha
am: at the poems I cnjuynd told him that the pluteaephy was better
leaching  e e cummmga' fI§(:f'A?l'“I;°'E"“1/%j;1;}":du:;“”;IL;'§d “M W ht the long run
"Nuhudy [U525 an the Mme.” tn the poem, 5 .
, been dr.-euyered earher m eur work, I I shared thr.- expsrmntvz at vanuua
he deaenhe. a tarmty rrtemher .- bouti .
mm mm and ms “Inmate Mms m knew that even though the uuhly had excavator rrteetrrrga, Encouraging my
_ fruled I0 mark, we could putertttauy peer. to pczfnnn the same. Wlule most

nv2rcnm1nglhoat:faIlurr:~ whrte uery 1 d M‘ d by U — V I d d (1 _ 1 H‘
mg“ m check um Poem commas. mvt: avcu e e amags y ea mg were a rea y rung uaer aim! at, ere
um Emybudy “mm mm Mm‘ both them and uur one can. VVILhoul were somc that refuazd and cunlmually
H mm Wm H h E gm‘ mmage to the useful rhtenrtatren, we could uet complamcd aheut the uulmes, nulmg

‘ ' * * [told therr representatives that an waa that an of the lung were thexriault and

rrwurred for the total ea.-t of the damage lamcnlmg that they, aa cxcavaloxs

T2nyer1r~' ur so r1go,Iwr1~ eanert I would eertteat it, but that 1 then not were doing everything they rtautd rtu

tu mv2~ugr1le a axle where a utihty expect them te ertdure the erttrre cost [would attend meetings where ulilny
hartheeh du u Imclwlth ertheattetd Lhcmlwuulda ht the cost mcmbexs were resL‘nlandIh2'would,

g P P P 3

ztprrewznlauvza of the atceeted utthty so/so and isaus them a eherk aa ~oon aa while in the audreuee, make generally
and wa. aeeumpamed by uur mallmnm I reeervert the myruee for our half of the dhpamgmg remarks about cxcavatuxa
eemparuwa ~afnry aurht spncxalwl. ameurrt. in general The obvious truth r. that

He vlsnzd our business zvnry 3-6 the truth r. .-emewhere m the middle,
ruouth. to make aurc we were domg ‘“::;anc2 heeauae ”nobody Iuae. an the trme "

an we could to mrmrmze uur Cxpuallrc t _ t t _ t The tea.-uh remembered from the poem,
to ri~k. rte wateheu  the utthty §’“‘,°§' W3 W 9;‘ j1}j“‘;’l'“V= that cvcryunt: ~uccnn:ds new and thert
tepre.-erttatwea and 1 met, walked the dz“: “::_>"““fP‘}"“‘l;‘~; ‘:2 m"fi h‘t‘"‘ at a very rrurumum, Includes utrhtrea-,
area where thehrte had been lut, talked V}. V t‘ 13 P K P 3;}. E I ‘ erteavatemahdthrrd party 1oeator..
wrth the superintendent and d|.~.cI1~s4:d “ °“‘“° ° W‘ ““““ ‘"93" ° ,

pay when we were m the wzung and [t h oftnn dtfflcull to look at one .

z£apnna|b|l|UL‘~‘ Thehrte, where atruek, I ‘ ‘ ,h M‘ (1 I ‘h K , _ _ d H d
Wmunmflkcd hwmwmmmc uhegeraew ertwe ta e .e , pm: czaan

_ respons|b|lltywr1~' shared. I wertt rm find tautt. nut rt ear. alwaya he there,
aeupe of the teeate requeat. Dunng the . _ _

te uxplrun that, when we deerded to .tamewhere. The qluckewl path to frulure

mteryrew pmczas, eur ~upenntcnd2nI

_ . derry, we lmd assembled our evrrtertee h the .-erttrrrterrt that an Is perteet and
and that he aheutd not have beer.

camfully and lmd full and remptete that there are he hsuna. W
aurprr.-ed to End the ururtarkert hue I
W1,e,E u had be“, 1“, bemm What documfinlflflon W W1 W9 “SE94 *0 rm tyet retrttttr H‘MM 06 her Vn‘§»{VCHI AWN14‘ C4’UvXA‘f
p-wt «hr chnck was vmremd qu-rkly tut ac», ate, njm lw)!kHMH¢cvA‘9'()vH!0n‘HuZu 35 VKIVYC
em, Issue 2 reaaeeaeearr . 15

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