Page 22 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 22

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What's with the paint and flags?
Getting to the bottom of utility markings
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III your neighborhood.

When flags or paint appear in your yard, you're likely to have questions. What do the markings
mean? is someone going to be working near my property? Where can I get more information?
The statewide “Call Before You Dig” service \

has a handy tool to help answer those mg“ ‘3 L ‘ '4
questions in 4 simple steps.

Stag 1: Search “tn81 1" in the app store on V Tennessee 811

your mobile device and download our free ;,

Step 2: Open the app and tap the “Find Tickets" button
P _ _ Wm ‘__ to look for tickets near you. A ticket, also known as a
W, locate request, is called in by an excavator before
digging work begins.
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