Page 22 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 22

Dyjnhn /scum
he humaa body i~, ntcoxdlng underground prpes Io rhe bulloluags lines are usually gravlly hues and slupe
loVVlklp2dm, about 50% water. wlrereursueeeleol. orreerlhassenreol downward from Ihcbuildmg Thegas
we cannot llvc wltlmul waler ll~' purpose, same (lf not mesa of the lcaks, seeks the path of leasl resaslaaee
But too mueh walcr |n Lhe water wull leave lhe prerruses Lhmugh and uses to Lhc bulldmg. If the gas

wrong plaee ear. be a very bad thing underground sewer p|pI:~ very fuw pressure rs sumereul Io eseape from lhe
Lasr year |t was hurrreaue Harvey ruuruerpal waler p|pI2~' and very few scwex ~y~1cm (e g., hubhle through a
Thrs year u was (and sun rs as lwrue sewer prpes are well marked, and ’’I’’’ trap) and lhe gas reaehes a souree
Llus) hurrreaue Flarehee It seems as many are nan-mzlalllc Tlus makes of lgnlllun, an explosion will likely
Lhough Lhousand-year flood everus are ueeur.

}'“""°"‘“g‘"'"‘°" °“°"‘ "“°“"'°°‘ ‘V ‘ ‘l e 3 E s: « » y 3 e s r The news rs eurreully full of (112 resulls
""‘"“’“g“’d'“5 fl°°d‘ M°"‘“3“'“‘“ - " 1‘ 9 '13 9"” - ,~4—‘\ uisuch ex losroasrumassaehuseus
rs POWERFUL1! Ifwalrsrlsmuvlng , Wm ‘h P I’ Y’ * “
aerussaroaebelu NOT dnvet1\roug}nt la 2: ‘u; M 3;‘ §(ln~ in [€l~ecxlPfl:>»Iorf~l\t~2;= “
unlmayuu amabwlutnlycnnalntlmllt M H l ' a~ < gvvflfj {"3 3jf=“_ If 3°: 1
rsoalyaiewruehesaeep [fyuu:an'l a 1'1 .2 3 r rr : n V’ I‘ I‘ M" ‘“’ “”° ‘’°”“ " ““ “’“

, , . ~ . E , fs 9 , ;s r 3, 3 ’>. gasaeeuruulauousauel erusshure

seelheroael,yuuearuhesureyuueaa < < >, e \  d 1‘ ‘h _ ‘V f
make ll. lllsllkelrymgmbealacram < _ ‘ _ _  > S < ’ V ’“’“ ‘“ “‘“"“ 3P“’°
araerossurg. liyoudon’tbcaIIhc lflligf; ‘M [53 lé X K P’ "

lrrun, lhe tram will cru~l\ your yeluele , ~ Bottom llnc: waler sareryrs a LOT
every arue. Do not ler movmg waler i y $2; 5 g  1 ism‘, more than us: wunylng ahaulu.-rag a
turn your ear Into a submarmell ' ‘ hf: ,aeleel and learurug to swrm

The reeuyery enurrs for Flureuee Bl: awan: ofyouz surruuaurugs and,
have almady begun we are senoluag  abuve all, BE SAFE!’ fl

"‘““P°‘“'°‘ “mi ’“PP““" ‘”’"‘ Tm‘ hues are in-nlled7 luslallruuh ma rbe

aaullaraeoaaaeauhalalherslales b t’md“n‘ lW’Im’m‘1_O"zD“l;l

““’“”’“" “‘“““‘d""’“'-‘3T°‘ dz/reehoualihfilru (I550) Ii luwln M"lmbmmd/WPHMSA
WombdeanuPme”mfliu,flo,,d_ mmndm‘ musfcd “h»“mF"mm“f€l larqueshollsmommlrs,mall

W“ “‘ ”°“”"’“ ‘“° "“” ‘“°"“““5 for watnr ufsnwnr lures lo be eluua La Wpmmglabfll W

rroru Hazvey. lussullhol. Slay “HDD _ ’ d 1 ’ ‘ figd ‘

rs use ,a preuomeuuu ea e

hydrated. Ifyuuamoumdnwurklng Umbm “Wm” Amfibm

mlerrrperaluresabuve 72 degrees-,y°“ aeeurs wheuche dullm luul asses 
vrc-W  1m we «» dr-nk  .l.a.a;a a  la  ~2w:r lag.

"‘“‘}“"‘“°" T““°"°““°“”"““‘““’ The dr1mr1geIoaw2|lex lmc rsusually  L 11 ‘ 8 3—— 5 1
eoul down and elun'l:or,;elsuusereeu, . = 1 9 a 2 5 4 3 E 7

lmmedmlcly obyrous 7 waler sprays _

"‘°"q““° “‘P“‘““‘/$‘°V°"’““‘Y 1llov£xLhc laee Dam erosewer 9

glasses and \v}IaK£vErotl1ex persuual immmutfi mm Pmb‘l§mw’C> SEW“ % ‘. ‘ 5 7 3 5 2 3 5
procecuve equlpmnnltlmlmny be 1 __ N 7 a 6 4 1 2 9 3 5

rues are typlcally nut pressurrzeol = .

“P|”°P"““' so damage may nulbelmmedmtcly § 5 2 3 2 5 a 7 4 l
whalelsers Lhcmtn wur-ey abuul apparent. Thesuuauuu heearrres 3 9 5 2 B 4 ‘ 7 3
wulrrespeelro walcr? lnlrspolable tnllcalwhenlhc gr1~'l1nl:cau~L‘~'2I ; -

(otr-lukable)waler,nhaslo rueel clog ln I1'1Ea2WI:l’l|nE andaplumbcr 5 3 ‘ 5 2 7 ‘ 9
punty sraholards. In urban areas, removes the elog, Ihcmby damaging lhe 
mo~Ipolabll: walerlrayelsrhrough gaslme. casrslrghlerlhaaarr. sewer

20 . Termesszzfill 201.5, Vssueé

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