Page 3 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 3

from the desk of
William “Bill” Iurner
U18 iust started and it's already coming to an end — time dies
when you'm having tun. when l rettect on our aetivities this
year, it amazes me that we ean do so mueh in such a short
time. some or the highlights from 2018 multiple lickcl records,
completed our 20th year of pertorming our PIPE (Partners in
Proteeting Everyone) Liaison Program, with 27 meetings across
the state and presenting to over 3000 excavators-, emergency
responders and publie oitieials. we hosted our first ever Damage
Preventiun summit in Murtreesboro, TN. Approximately 200
were in attendance and our next summit is scheduled tor April
24 — 26, 2019 at the same location. we hired an additional liaison,
Jason Kouba. Jason is handling the middle TN area and has years
or experienee in the locating industry. Our liaisons are responsible
tor visiting all TNBII members on an annual basis, pertorming
satety meetings. tradeshows, PIPE meetings and promoting our
"Call laetore ‘(nu Dig" message. our liaisons have assisted in
bringing on 29 new member utilities in 2018. They assist with i’-illing out the necessary paper work,
ereating a database or the utilities service area, creating login codes tor Positive Response and DIRT
and assisting with the ticket management system, Korweb.
our entoreement program is working great. More people are becoming knowledgeable on how to
file a violation with the enforcement board. The entoreement board is meeting on a regular basis
and reported violations are being acted on Tennesseesn is responsible for providing the training
fur violators as required by the law. The training is offered at Tennesseetm at least two times per
month and also can be scheduled at the violator's loeation. Those who have attended violator
Training have tound it to be very informative and helptul.
we passed an amendment to the underground Utility Damage Prevention Act in April that
elaritied some of the responsibilities or the cnfurcnmtznl board, established Tennesseesll as
the otticial trainer for violators and added a eontraet loeator representative to the 16 member
stakeholder entoreement board
And our volume is up we are especially proud that our remote inpiit usage is up to 46% Thank
you all who have signed up to use our portal for tieket entry and have downloaded our mobile
Thank you tor making Tennessee a sater place and remember ..Call 811 Eefum You Dig.
william "Bi1l”Tumer
Missinn statement
T: Pmvide the
Best commiiiiicatiiiit, Editcatibii Ami Ntitificatioti Sfrilirf
fu raeimatc D/zrrlrrge Premition to uiadrrgmitiid lltilities.
ems, issue 4 reaaessoesii . i

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