Page 3 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 3

from the desk of
Willial II “Bill” Iurner
eye had another meotel year July pmyed to he the
busiest munth m the hhlory at Tennesseeall wtth
an mtommg tleket vulume of 84,852 (that's 521 mote

than out przvlous rstord In Apnl ot thts yeat). lt's espeetally

sutpn.-mg smee we usually see these teeotds set m the spun;

and fall rather than the middle or ~umm£r. As a msult, we're

statnng up for the tall months wtth the anticlpariun that Du!

volume wlll eonttnue to tnetease. We're also promnting the

use or Remote rteket Entry (RTE) opriuns hke the etteleet

system and the onlme ticket penal. ln July, RTE made up
nppmxlmnlely 44% oz Du! total tlckzl volume. ‘(nu ean lzam mare about RTE by ytsttmg
ulwul.htB11.L'am O! by conmcring Judy Dzidlkzr at]t1elt1lkel'@fmm'55('c'B11.(tml.
The metease In cunslruction and development aetoss out state as a gmal stgn tot the
eeunomy, but It ptesent. challenges on the damage pmvznlion fzont. Looking fnrwazd
to the next tssue or this magazme, yuu ean expccl to find helptul mtannattun cunczming
pmposcd legtslatwe lmplovements to the Undexgmund uhltty Damage l-teyentlon Aet as
we work with stakeholdets aetoss the state to make sure the law terleets the 2vl:r-clmnglng
needs of the tndustry.
All at us at Tennesseealt hope you all have a sale and enyoyalale summer Thank you tot
makmg Tennessee a saret plaee and tememlaet to call 811 Eefmr: You Dig
Wllliam "Eill” Tulnu

Missinn Slalemenl
Tu Pm!/Id? the
Best commuttteattott, Education and NUII:flUlhLm smite
to raetmate Dlzrrmge P1EV('7I;‘Zl7Yl to L1l1d('rgmmtri lltillties.
2019, Issue a Tennessee 811 . 1

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