Page 10 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 10

Q? ‘ - 1....‘ “In
5 § '
 spotllg ht
Tennessee 1111
Wm 1eee111lyg11~er1 .1 lheu managumcnl .1r11e1ure from lhe ' Commitment to rcdumon vithlmle
reeo111111er1dal1o11 from Bobby top down And lhe1r ulllmalu werk Pm)’ damalzu
curher of P1erl111e111 Natuxal c..1. prerluel 1. rc.1llyg1.»od”Currcntly, . Nmfimum of Cmvmun ,0
Clo fcatum Tsnlol? c}o11.-lruler1r:3r1 1:; Tntun cu11s1r11[e11uIr1 1;l111r.1pp1r1lg up Tcmwmgll

uur onlractur pot 1g 1 artlc e. u y some pmlccts er 1e 111o111 me u mg

Carnur 15 (hr: se111u1 Englncnnng Pmlcct u 5,000-foul, Belnch rl1.lr1l1ul1o11 ~tL\'l ' Follvweuv cal“ 10 TL‘!-I-L‘~-‘==*11
Managu 1.»fTcnnca~L\' for Er1g1r1eer1r1g p1pel111e 111 we.-1N.1.h1~1lle. They ure when mqulmd
BzTcdIn|c11lSu\'lcc~. He 11- al~u ul.e mbulldlng .1 .—l.111e11 uhd dmng , N . 1, km 1
chairman of tlm ho.1rd for Ter1r1e.seeal1 u11r1lher 5,UOUfeclof12—ln:h p1pe .11 Lhc ‘’ “‘""” ‘mg "m "" “E”
.111d ha. been en the onnecall board - U1-e ol vacuum cxcavauon
-111ee zuua Aner talking wlkh Mr. , : _ 5 mm and Ex N‘

Carncr, l .1lw l1.1rl the opportunity to - .  ,' I [fuhm_‘f "°’ 5

mcct s1ll McDowell, Lhc pmaldcnl of ‘ * ‘.1‘3‘Q."‘ ,-1‘. ’ ‘ ’

Tmon Con~Kructlon. ‘ L‘ I: - Ded1e.11ed safety pL‘r~onncl r111
Utility Perspective _, “W W" ‘“°

Plcdmunt Natural Cm‘ 0PCIatc.~ §— - ' f;:f‘°u‘§'rf°;';”""‘°"‘ “’ “"5
dhmbunun .111rl 1r.111.11111s.11.111 _ {A _ ‘ J ,— l ‘ 3

p1pel111e 111 the N.1~}wlllc ureu, 5“ —— Bobby 111er1:1o11ed how
lncludlng 11111e M1drlle Tcrllmmm 1e.uureel11l T111o11 con.-1rue11er1
eourme.-. They ul.~o l1.1ye ;:—-_, 11- wl1er1 woxklng Khxough tough
r1ppxoxlm11lcly 185,000 eu.lu111e1. —— ' E , , ‘ ITS’ l condmons 111 urban urem: "They
.111d Lhak number e1.1111111ue.lr1 K ,t‘ 7 > .— lj werk good wuh lhe 11e1g,hbr1r.
lncmasu wuh lhe growth ol lvhm: ‘ 7 _ 7' urr1ur1d 1he11 proyntls and they
c1ry. lh Tcnnc~'~cL‘, P1erl111e111 , ——rr_ ~e ure mmdful ul lhe genual

ha. ovcx (1,000 uule. er111.11r1. KT’ ' I‘ : , publlc. 011 Duv1d.r1r1 Read,

.111d .ery1ee [mus u11rl (15 1111le.- of /' that prayer! we. over 30 Flu.-
11.111.11111.-.-1o11 p1pel111e. lsuhhy curuer ” cxumwrlgs that lhey had to werk
has been w1ll1 Pludmont Natuxal uruund when lhey were laymg
ca. for 32 ye.1r. .111rl Currently th1~ p1pe su, tlmy had 1e expr1.e
r1ue1.~ee. r11u,or pmlccts He 11.1. .111-o 1 watcx icxvlccs, sewn! ucrvlcca,
helrl role. 111 buslncm deyelepmem, ~” and hher Th1. 1111. one lane cf
er1g111eer1r1g, u11d eur1.1r11e11u11 He 2 traffic, .-1111: r1e1 llkc you l1.1ye 1
15 a regulered pminmlonal er1g1r1eer whule huueh of mom to ~wlng
111 (hr: glam of Tcrll‘lv:»L\' .111d 15 ul.e — {tack hee.- uround. They hud tn
.1 eer111'-1erl pmlcct managnmnnl \ nghlmlzc lheu equ1p111e111. Thw-
pru:e..1e11ul. 3 w.1.- 111 u re.1lly eo11de11.erl work
Bobbvk cxpcnnncc u11rl Elll1\.1:L7ulu:H, p..1.11l.111, Tvvml c1111.1.l1111e.1 “M “M1 W" 1”‘! "° ‘”'“°"
l<r11.11«?led,;ele11d crcdlblllty (0 lm WM‘ hm “my M “ 3”“ 1°”

d I U‘ I V K H 1 I M&abc sr ChL‘rokL\' 1-luuou. Tl1ey 1u.~l wuxklng 111 tlglll eou1pre..«ed wuxk
gffgxgig.fn:3On"1n‘;Lh:P}f1;%n; wrapped up anotlmx product whlch arcm whom 11 could have bmn 111 1..-ue,
‘ “ . 2,0UlH- 112. Id In . . 1 , l .
the work lhey ye do11e ler Pludmont be
 _ _ mg ~afc u11rl gcmng the 1ob deue
1-111ee zula They dld ~uch .1 good Bobby leld 111e 1ever.1l111uy. Tnlon ,,
. . ,. . . . . ugh! La.-lly, Bobby 111e11he11ed 111.11
,ehr They ure .1 fink-clam opexatlon, Ce11.lrue11o11 mcLl~ Pmdmunt . aafnty
,, _ T111o11 Colwlmcllun 11.1. .1l111.1y.- heeu
Bobbv 1u1d, 1 W1. 1111p1e.serl 1111111 am-dam1~. —
— preueuye, lhey always‘ look to get bener
thclr commltmcnt of dmng the 1el1 ., ,
- Commitment to 1-urerv (per.er1r1el u11rl tlm cummumcauun 1. good It 5 .1
prr1:e..1e11ully, lheu eou1p111e111 11- mp —
and publlcl cullabumllvc cfforl to gut lhe p|pC 111 Lhc
notch and we were 1111pre.-.ed wnh
ground, to do 1. safely and to e11.ure lhe

e . 1111 21119 1551: A .ulely el lhe publlc "

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