Page 19 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 19

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7 I I n V n 5 I s
tihty L0(/«LJEOI Does M01 e 1.u1 0(/.1 e
he vLor:3-Pro utility lotatur Inlmduccs new innovative tools for
locating buncd nmine. msllnng nnrnnge prevention while gath-
enng mfunnnliun my nnniy.-i.
Will] [W0 sex. of .-eieenea 3D nnzennm aignnl dhturliun i. Emily detected
nnn dhplaycd en the bright full color dhplay Along Will’! dame locale
" ~'cn:L‘n~ die vLuc3 .ene. ieennn. offer new locale perspective acrccns
, v_ of Vector Locate [or fully automatic nun-walk over locating, Tmnwene
.1‘  Crap}: Jionnng bath peak and null aimullancoualy providing innneame
3 in memiemenl ei signal nmeiiion, Vlan View ~l\uWmg die rclauvc cumula-
1; I non of die cable at nny nngle, and a new graplucal Sondn irmcn Willi
‘(Y E l  '  ginaanee arrow~lc.1dmglo l.l’IC .-onne location even when n i. vertical.
., ‘ 5 The highly user configurable vLuc3 .ene. contains‘ c|glIlpas'~ivL‘Iuci1lc
;' nneae~, fault-find niede, SD (~hL»wlng direction of outgoing ennenn, and
e. ‘ n range of eenngnmbie frequencies from 16Hz to zuu kHz Audio and
_ A.) mechanical \’il:!riIl|un nien. enn also be tonfigllrcd by me me: pruviding
~n. warning. for .-nnunw aepdi, evenend, overhead tables, and exee.-.ive
_ .-winging. Plug-In-play optmn~ for the rI:C(‘|\’Cl’ ineinae optional Blun-
. ., ' moth mudlllc n.enbie Will’! L‘xlcrn.1lCl’S dn\'iu:~ and EMS {out to locate
bnnen nmkem ‘
VI VAX rm mm m/unmzmm Am flvzs new plurlllrf by l/rvru.AM('Iru;‘:rlv giv m wm/w zvizn1x-
T nm‘1u!cch.turrz m wtimd yum lam! dunltr
I  Elnnorzcrmc EVERYONE 

Tennessee Public Awareness Meetings B O A R DWA LK

"Safely Ihmug/1 publitnwarerressrs 0 loypmvmyqfrlirslak/sdistnbmiorrnmi

Imrumrssmrr piprlirreapmzmrs Thmug/1sparIsm'smpufIhePartnH5in i=,.....-W

Er»:ry«m~(I'lr'E) Lima» Program, they makt .. ,,..e.»l. ;.., r...,..e~ 511 N tarry

in 25 matings/‘or rm:-rgeuty re§pam1ns,txtnr»uor5,and yuwrt afiunls moms

W,-rm we e...n.... sehmiiltafr/u~2019FiYE Meeting; (an ie;....,..: balmy,

i.n.m..i,.n iarhangr Visitwnrw ..m..m,.,.e (011! .0 n., ,4, W. this Wm .


RSVP onhne at WWW'mp1Pe'C°m Committed to operating Pipeline Assets
in a safe. reliable and compliant manner
and providing the highest level of

11/10/19 Iackson [EA Training Facility ‘“5t°'"e' 5°"’"e‘

11/11 /19 Nashville Pizdmnm Natural Gas

11/12/19 I/znuir City Lennir City Lniriues Board .

I--nu babel.
Ball n-in-yr-an
2019 rem Termesseesll .17

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