Page 22 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 22

Better Servlces Through Technology
eehnology as a wonderful (LNC).” Them have been five mvlsanns ‘Thank gneelness we nm not gulllng all
Lhln . Du oummemberwhzn to NFT-A59As-umezom. The eunenl Lhc ovemmenlwenm flvm fax"
3 y s P , z
Lhcre wem nu suuh «hangs vemon h dated 2019. Them nm mnsuns A I I 1 I nhx \ Y
nseell phonesol personal Lhal the n2wervr:l'~lon~ hnve nolbncn ’ ° “W "°‘"" “EV” ‘ ““‘

, \ H \ leehnolugyhssnvnlml appllcatlan,
Compulzh. Oniordlalmallcr, sen: lncurpomlcd by refl:rLncl:,HumLvLr,to h _ bl ‘ H 1 H ‘
bells |n tan, tax seals for lniants or be cumpllanl wlLh Lhe rcgulallnna, an “’d“ _'°“""“:l V“ ’“““l‘ ‘l‘“:L‘h 3‘: ‘°“
even bmyele helmew LNC opuatur hn. unly to comply wllh :‘gu‘l‘1;‘“‘15"1‘:ia‘>‘_°a‘}:‘;"‘:“‘r‘m:“l;V Wunfil
Them ~1muld be no debate that :;;“:‘:““1':  elu IL New technology nppnmnlly
technologyzlndthcappllcallun of “and am; | mm“ dmm mgmcm muat be SAFER or mum eonsennnve
tnchnnlogy .ue two of tlm (lungs that dm 1‘*:Wb’Ef“ ublhhed ml; mm B; from Ihn PHMSA penpeeuve), l would
dlifemmlall: bntwnen eleuelopeel the W; Y man E‘ W; m_W’fl ‘_mdMd‘_ ’ encourage you to (entail your local
nnuuns and Ihlrd-world nnnuns. Du addm{’mchn’;lu um PHMSA ’ plpehne safety regulator nnel run ||
you want In gu back to the ”guod old mfim; ‘D mmgngi w“Lh mpm ‘O M by Ihcm please don't be surpnseul If
day~"oflucallnghommbybumlng * * Lheusu orllsll:.s~th2lnl:nc1.»I|m In .

eleslgn con~tructlon operunon and PF 3 3
wood, lravdlng on foot, uulduor mmmjmm of P|pE'hm and Wdm Your ldca of sure and nflutllvc may he
plumhlng and pm«Z0lh century fmlmm The “mm venue M a ennmly dlffumnl than Lhclr leleu of sais
mcdlcmn? l doubt n “spew, mm“, mm 49 CFR we 3“ and uffcclivn 7 but tlmy intcrprct Lhe


we nm H1 (112 pollllcal ~Cawn. PHMSA speelal pexmlts. Good luck wlth ""“"

ls up for maulhorlzallun nnxl year, nmenng the rcqulmmcnts an n speeml Umll ncxl tlmz, be sure out them! Q
Them has almady benn nl least one pennu tlm way PHMSA IS applylng

C°"S““>'°““‘ }'L‘“""S “"4 ‘hm '7 "K 99” 3”‘ ln rhc pmuaus 15514!’ on ll1cal'r('cf5Ia!erlm1I
least one proposed maulhorizahnn. \ _ was lll/1dc.Fl7l'Ih('r('col'd,Mmelilmels
(Sm: z,Tms.//,.,,.,,s,,,l,,,,s,.,un XL]l//[(EI1/5/ §;°;‘;f;§j:}j:"3‘:;§§;{:f_':l§A my /155a:m!cd wlth .7, H  ,9, Ihv
Pm,m,,X_D,,,_M.,5,,“(,m_m,C,,,,C5, » , d » f d _ _ d d Lammoll Gmul1dAIllnlm* Mr. Roll/('5
,W,_m,m,m,, Mfg, _M,_m9_m,m_ Pwvl lngcvlunw m uatryalan ar » 1l1valv('lllellITul!hMCX11 rlwnrmcss

, X y . Incorporated by refcmntu to Lhc puhlm, rmnpalgll and under round mm e
smrvtwvwws-s) 1‘/‘)’E“L“>|5‘}‘-31'-5°13 to publimmmla and ,9 wpdm {VVA‘1('VlIlD!lISIhrflulgfifhf[\//1IlDYl!l§LX{/11/HID!
wlllbl: many ehnnges before u goes Opcmm 1ndu~;xy~mnd“d~Cm_l hnmlln». T1,.» pub lsnn rlpnlnglzcs /or any
”flnal." Oncpmpnsed .~1e':tl1.mcaug}ll > > » mltflslarl l7l'rlt15MIIri('r5f/zrldlng as me nsun
V money to develop. The devclopzn 0,, ,,5 ,,,,,,m

‘"3’ “Y°' ‘‘ ‘“°“‘“‘ ‘‘‘1“'’“ ‘’”M5‘‘‘‘’ or.-ueh slandard~ nm cnmled mhe

”rL‘vicw nny new umlusuy ~t.1nd.1xds \ ’ _

rclallng to plpellne surely pnopuseol  /ahn /mm mued {mm PHMSA.

to be lncnrpomlcd bv micmntc I ’ 5‘ I Vqvl _’ *, Flfiqllesllarlsar CD1Ilm('!II5,A'lVMZ’

(luau ha u r’ l kl " °‘°‘“‘““° °““‘ “’ 5°‘”‘°"“Y mlnrugsne Ialml.rle!

3 P“ ' ‘°“ °’“‘ °‘““ "5 Ultlmalclvthc publlt(ton~um2n /7 X

‘’”M5A’‘“’°“’’"‘’‘"‘'’‘“ 7}“ or.-emeeis mvldcdbl I cllnc>

F“d“’“‘ "d"““““““"“ "‘°‘““"“’ o emon) Plf somellnh Plfthl: law of

A“ (5 ”‘5‘C°d‘ G‘“P'°' 5’ 1”‘ "“" ‘“ LEO [and u should he E|\’§|1E|bl2l0 all. 
2HI;‘EIslnC£194b. V\/}’IflId0CSI1'1hnI:W 
pmposeel seeuun add? How h Lhls one last comment — zlctordlng to Lhe = 3 2 5 ‘
Conslslcnl wnh Exzcutlvc Order 13777 l.1lc~'l(Iunn 2019) Repon on DOT 9 
Eniorclng the RL‘gul.1loryAgcnd.1? Signlficanl Rulemulnngs, Lhe pnndlng 3 am

Huzamlous Llquld rulcmaklng began 9,

Llqueficd NaIuralG.1~lm~bcnnln 8/13/mu M Gas “Mega M9,, 1, 7 A 2 3 9 5 5 s 1
‘1‘“"“‘”’”‘°"“‘°‘V “CW Pa" pmc£»sla,rIl:d1/04/2011 and Lhe E a 5 9 4 8 '1 2 ' 1 3
193 contains the mgulallnns for LNG undugmund Smmgc Rcéummm g_

      of 3 nnna
mremnee NFPA-59A(Z0lJ1), "Standard fi‘m’,,fi’“;l NM, H supfimd to bc _g 5 4 3 3 7 1 2
runhe Produdion, Slomgri, and ’ _ ’ ’ ’ _ 3 '* T’

H dl ‘L [1, (‘N m ‘C _ publl~l\2d by thcend unhl. ycar we r 2 1 1 A 9 a a

“" ‘"5 ‘’ '‘‘““ E “ ‘“ “’ ~hnll see. ln (11: wurd~ uiWlll Rugnh,
20 . Tennessee 511 2019, Issue A

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