Page 14 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 14

Be aware Of pipeline lllarkers
in your neighborhood
and at your worksite
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Many Pllielilneefnrelnles "esnlel'l_¥ neighbor and provide you with -his are helpful in lotating pipelines. they
mspeetl eirrig tsurivayiisxngaiia irnportanlinformalilmlcu helpifyou d . - ‘d ' ;- r }\\ 1W
«aomtiscis.mmis.wimuaua suspeclapmhleminarea.I"ipeline .;;:;',,*:;:l:,;‘:,:‘i:::,:5:,%:;i;:l,,;:“
anspeuo-e look «or pa-entail danger to companies aka Ills safe operation of ii is iim iii l,_.l,_my lu,,dli,n Di
pipelines such as construction activity Iheir infraslrutture ss.-lausly. whirlm mass markers ls Io identify the location
°' Sign‘ °‘ 3“ °n “nI"‘“‘ ‘sake The“ includes protesting your family. your of the pipeline generally as an alsn lo
lnspeetlens along their pipeline routes properly and Ills environment. Because ilma who migiii lia wnrking alnng ilia
are tn_en_sure the seeurlly and lmegrily of this diligence, inridents are very rare. pipeline corridor for another ulilily
ollhe-rlmes» F l . l. ml or during the conslrutlion of)“:-Ines
ssymusasuy.p.lss.ussass mar _ .

Pipgling Comwmgs ml, ll, lmll by allow gmml slgm lo Pmlde cu buslnesses usaslay. You slusulal be
on a regular lsasls with emergency in indicalimi Di iiiail Prasaim nwnre of any Plpelme markers In your
ofiitials and work with local emergency ,l,P,.l,xl,ml2 lmllon‘ mmllal canikgd l_1eIg1nlmrh°°d- As the s-‘lying gees
responders alongpipeline n'ghLs—of'way and the uams and mnlan lulmuailau “"°‘” Y°““"“E“'°“5- “"“°‘*°‘_""‘1“
in case at an emergency, sometimes 0; liia mmpany iilai Dpmles llla name null plnnne numbers appearing
svsu Iraining with fire dspamusuls or lllllzllm l,lal.lm§ may lm allywllm on the lupeltne msrke-‘s In ease of
hazardous materials unils. Even llrnt-ugh aiimg iim ,igi,.,c.;,way (3 mil, oi iini emergency»

a leak or spill is extremely unlikely. usually about 25 10150 feel wide that pipgling iiiiilm aia iy"por(anI_ la,
Pipeline romp-aules provide information conlains a pipeline] or direclly um Ills salsly of the general publir. It is a
like Ilrat which you will find on the Ills plpsllus itself. These markers are ;a,ia,.al (rim lol. my Pm," lo Wllllully
following pages Iliat will prepare Y?" gsus.-ally yellow, black and red in tolor. aaiasa, aamaga, iaiiiava oi. dg5|;'Dy any
in-herventthutitdoes om-r.VThe-r The pipeline may not followa straight pipeline signs a.-u'glu—sl—way.uasl:ss.
hope is to ec-mmue to he a quiet course helween markers. wluls markers

12 . Yznnuseesll 2o2a,lssu:1

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