Page 19 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 19

High Consequence Areas in aeeordanee with
lederal regulations, some areas near pipelines have laeen
designated as High Consequence Areas. FC|I‘11ESE areas.
supplemental hazard assessrneni and pieyeniion progranis
known as Integrily Managerneni Programs have been
developed. If a pipeline clperalnr has High Consequente
Areas, infnnnatinn aboul these plans may be available
ilnrougli their tnmpany's welesiie or by contacting the
._ ‘ opeialors corporate oiiiees.
-rlnere is a wide range nf products u-ayeling ilnrougli the
, “ ,e _ ' ilnousands oi niiles oi pipelines. eyeryiliing from gas for
. g *7 . , your ea. In nxygen lor hclspilzls. lvlany ol these products ean
- . , y be highly flammable. harmful if inlialed. eause eye or skin
1:4" .- ~ 1,. 1 inilalinn or possibly tause dimeully breathing, sorne olilie
. " y .‘ n  inaieiials cnuld eause environrnenial dainage. Because or
. i -’ ilnese polential hazards, it is important for our neighbors in
- be able Io reeognize a pipeline leak.
49.. 4- I
3 8) Can Owners Build or Dig on a Right-Of-
' Wag? Pipeline rigliis—ol—way must he kepi free from
e - snueiures and oilier nbslrurtions lo provide acres: lo the
— ‘ pipelinefizr mninzennnee. as well as in the even: or an
' , emergenty. [fa pipeline crosses your properly please do
. not plant uees or large shrubs on the .iglu—ol—way. Do nnl
s~ dig, lauild. share or place anything on or near the rig11ts—of—
way withclul lirsl having the pipeline L‘mnpany's personnel
sq mark I112 pipeline or slake the righIs—nf—way and explain the
. _ a eornpanys conslruclion and easenieni reqllirements ID you.
t s, We Need Vour Help Tlie naiions infrastrurlums,
' . ineluding pipelines, are a inauer oi naiional serurity. If you
- . ' wiiness suspiticlus atlivity on a pipeline i-iglii—ot—way. please
I mpnrl it In ilie apprnpriale authorities as soon as possible.
__ . o. you may call the pipeline operator's numbers. -rlnreai
advisories may he found at the Department of Homeland
' SecuriIy's welesile unno.dl.s.go»/drispnlalio.
' ' ~..= National Pipeline Mapping Sgstem For
 inlorrnaiion about pipelines operaiing in your area. you
- may cnnlacl the National Pipeline Mapping sysieni |NPMS).
" K This database of pipeline operatnrs and the loeaiion olilieir
lines was designed for the public to liaye access in Contact
-_ inlorrnalion lor pipeline eoinpanies operaiing in your are.
‘ This inlorinaiion can he found all um)“/.7lpn1s.p]1n7:11.dat.
, ,. » gal/. Visit—
‘S ' pipeIine—.rafety for more inlorrnaiion. Fur infclnnation on sale
‘ . I extavalinn, go online and visil ll/um/.canlnmngtaumialfiizrlcz.
!_ Cflnl.
, Awareness is llie key in preventing pipeline aeeiolenis.
‘ Ynu can contribute to ilne safety and seturity of your
“ '_ neighborhood by knowing where pipelines are. and knowing

how in recognize unauthorized activity or signs or a leak,

as well as how in respond in the tase or a pipeline aeeidem.
Pipeline eornpanies continue lo strive to be good neigliliors.
and just like any good neiglmborlmond watch program.
neighbors look oul lor eatlm 011121‘. Join in wiiln ilne pipeline
eornpanies to keep our families sale. .

2o2a,lssue 1 Tervlessusll . 17

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