Page 3 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 3

from the desk of n
B .  T
" eleome to aoaol They say time tlies when you're having fun and.
well, the team here at Tennesseesu ean tell you it also goes hy
pretty last when you're husy.

Last year was another reeord hrealrer tor ticket volume and we finished zolg

with 911,745 loeate requests — thats almost a AO% increase over aoia. Remote

Tielret Entry (RTE) is on the rise with nearly 45% oi our loeate requesls

heing submitted online in Deeemher oi aoio. RTE is last and easy, whether

you're at a eomputer or using our mobile app. Learn more ahout RTE at

ll/ll/uI.1rI51LcmrI or by conlacling Judy Deidilrer at jdzidikel@IerlIle:52e8u.corrl.

She'll have a demonstration station at our Damage Preventinn summit in

Eranlrliu. TN. Check the ad on page is to learn more ahout the March u—i3


our annual meeting is seheduled tor 9 AM CST on March nth and will
eoineide with the summit. You don't need to register tor the summit to attend the annual
meeting. but a full registration gets you into the edueational sessions and exhibil hall. Ynu ean
register for the annual meeting at wu/u/.Irl8u.clJrrl.
The 23rd Annual TNsu invitational coll Tournament will he held at The l-lerinitage colt
course on April 7. aoao. and the shotgun start is seheduled tor 1:00 PM csT. we had to turn
away golters last year alter maxing out the course, so register now at unow.tnat..eom to make
sure you don't miss this run networlring event.
By the time you read this issue. we will have introdueed a legislative amendment to the
underground utility Damage Prevention Act. A dratt of the amendment has heen shared with
all stalreholder groups and has heen endorsed by the Tennessee underground utility Damage
Enforremenl Bnard. The proposed changes have heen outlined and shared in previous issues
of this magazine and the Damage Prevention Liaison for your area will be happy to answer
any questions you may have.
we wish you a produetive and prosperous aoao. our hard worlr and dedieation are for you,
our memhers and sale digging partners. were here to serve you, so thank you tor malring
Tennessee a saler plaee and rememher to call so laelore You Dig.

william “Bi]1" Turner
Mission statement
To Provide the
Best communication, Education and Notineation Service
to Facilitate Damage Prevenlinn to underground utilities.
eoeotssoe 1 rennesseesu . 1

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