Page 17 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 17

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s salen digging ieelininnes loi intreaszd time on ilie job silz match |mow—1wow and ilie operalion was opiiie
lieeoine iniiie eoininon aei-nss Iodays higirdernand pi-nieeis." inannal. 1-oday.ilne drills aie einneinely
ilie excavation Sp€CII‘ull'L . . easy to openaie with eoinnion controls
. . lle said liwz svslerns ollei ill:-U1 aii- and .
inaniilaeini-eisaneialeing noucz. ( _ ‘, » am uh I k aei-nss the product line and CDnIrDiS
, . . . ‘V“‘°P‘°“““ 3" “"?‘T’ ".“, 5 mounted at yiini lingei-lips," lie said.

-rodays lionaonial di-illing ngs and havz lieeii popnlai wiili iniininpalines

Vatlluln excavalion seinps ai-e a lai- Cry and larger ulilily contraclorsi lini Ihat vei-ineei MidSclu(h ofiers training

lniin (ht first generations Ihat eaine oul iliein nadiiional vat trailzrs siill i-eniain elasses Io go wilh ilieii new eopiipineni
dzcadzs agn. popiilai across ilie lioand. sales and sends Dlll their product

For a look into what's nzw in Mississippi "Every cclnlractor should have a vac "”“‘]"‘ ‘°" ‘h’ fir“ “W day‘ ‘° ‘”““

. . . . . ilie ei-ews on till new systems. Timy
excavalmn Equipment we elieeked in I|‘ali€I'i|f[CII‘nD Dtherreasonlhanfor . _ _
. . . .  , . _. also DfferdaylongsEm|na|sIh|oughoIIl
wnli Lclrey vandei-Molen,z.enenal pothoimg nnlines, lie said. so manV 1 . .
. . . . . » I ie yzar io lnelp trzws malnlaln and

lvlaiiageiiiiivei-ineeilvlidsonili. and pbsare ienniniig poliwoilngratherthan im me Mrkmwkd 2

Brian lai-eland. Manager for Diieli \Vilt1w inannal digging now: P 5 '

Mid—soiiui in reai-1 (Jackson arza) Io see (. .d V . I . . The ouiei liig name in vzcullln

whal they're excited alioni iliis  ‘;;'lj{;3__ D“f_-5;’ :;5§;j;;ja""E excanalion find horiznnlal dnuing is

. . . ' . . Dilc Wile.
Flrsl np is voiiiieei. iliein vaenon and Mel.aiigliliii lines and
(my with Midsomh Vmnm’ said now ilieii paiinei-sliip Wllh Vacuum ‘ As salei digging (zchmquzs lseeoine
x—Tiaeiinn I"1oducls.Toda;/. venineei inoie common across the exeavanoii
ilney Carry the company: liill nange iii . .
. . . . olzensiliewidesiiangeoliaeiinin speeii-nin,inaniilaeniiesaieialnng

°‘*“‘P"“"‘~ '“““d‘“3 ‘"“""“% “‘“‘"" excavation pI‘L7d\IC(S in line marklt. nolite.

excavalclrs. directional drills and tree

equipment. but Iilal their liiggesi selleis ‘They're also improving the diieeiional -rodays horizonlal directional drilling
are typically diretlional drills and V3: drills and eleeii-nnies." lie said. ‘--rlie i-igs and vatuum excavators aie a ran Cry
systems. localing packages aie inoio nsenlniendly. li-iiin the firsl generations Iilat eaine out
in said veinsei introduced  new 33: 333:; gggigg fig; 35 ;;_1;jD'; *‘"“°5 33°-

pnodiieis toward the end ol 2019, eatlw ‘O lame am am head as thgmp Foraioclkinlo wlnai's new loiiliein
wiili iinpmveineiiis on die pnevions . . . . . Mississippi. Tennessee and Arkansas

dnlliiig. -rliis geneianon of Equlpmznt
gzneralion. and the addition clfvac . . customers. we visited willw Brian
. is Inutil easiei- ‘DI’ the guys to iise. And . . .
Irllcks io ilie imz. some MW hm GPS as WE“ so “.5 as lsieland, Managzr nloiieli wiieli ylide
.. . . . ‘. ‘ . 3’ SD\IliWiil1PEBI‘1,MS andGaryManning,
\’Vevea1wavssD]d vaCIrailn's,i1u( Io mark i1Dresw|(h(yI"Scoord|naIes. . ,. . .
. * . , . . . Manager of Dutch \Vl(t1w M|d—Sclu|h m
Wearzjuslgztunglnlothzlruck its iniieli siinpliiied eoinpai-ed lowhal ii . H. .11 . d .
. . . . 7 dm ha. (.0 ienvi e. TN. Brian an Gary are
Vaclnarkelg (.oreysaid.T1wstrutk use . . . h h. I. ‘D, h
(zd ve1'sionaHzi'sii1creased . °P.‘""""” °““ “'“°‘V ‘f‘°° ."‘
‘“°““ . . . . coney said niinpaned to wlnen they VVIlt1w®vacuumexcavalorsi inelnding
prcldllcllvlly and nin nine. wiili ilie E . . .
. . rsl eaine oul in Iggz, ilie curnpanys ilie mDSl recent HX3oLv.
iiaileninnniiied sysieins. yiiiii nine ._ . . .
. , . . . . diieenonaldnillsane unhehzvahly innie __ 
on they:-1) siie is liinned, nlieiinines . _ As niidei-gi-nniid nnlines lieeoine inone
. . . advanted and easiei to usz.
spending mDr‘€ nnie IranspD!1|ng yD|I|’ and inone congestzd. conlraclors ai-e
spoils. -rlie iiiielninnniiied options allow "Back théns il ninli a iol of mechanital cgN'nNUED ON pAGE .7
2020 issie 2 Termesszesll . )5

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