Page 10 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 10

co/WNUED mom mg 5

Tl\cc\'nnkw.1~f.1~tp.1:cd when the j /7 _

L‘x:av.1lox .tmek the pipeline, one of V

the Wm’kL‘r~ nvn. blown to the ground

In obvloua dangnr F|rs'lmapL»ndnIa A
axnvud In pehee (ah, the trunk.-, —_I -—. """“‘N|WI~

IL‘~Cuc tmek. and .1mbulanccs'.Thc fill t ciflhhlvlllu ,

hm map()ndL'h quickly a»'L‘~.~nd the ,
altuzmon and qumkly dctcmuncd the v.—:.." ‘ Ia’ ' 3!? aiigiywf e ''"''g"

plan to re.-ene the tnnen L‘x:a\'.1lox. ..-r _ 3 L I , ll"-'  

Attendee. cllccmd n. fixil mpenden «~~ _e_ V y ' ‘t 1 ’ i__.
atumd In full gent were nhle to tench ‘ ‘- _—_
the duwncd cxta\‘.1lox and ttnmptnt _‘—_f t  ~ ,

hnn to the ambulance at n mic dhtantc - , tl ,

[mm the damagcd p|pL‘llnc. . . I “*

. ,

It was a what Icmlndcr to nu |n 3|.’ kj : k K

attcndancn ofiusthow |mpunant|l1a ' 5|‘ .  .’ fig _ " ‘ 

to alway~ enn bcfom we d1g,lo wall the ,. _ .=. , ‘ , ~‘ , ' 7‘ \ _
appmpnatcamountniumn,to mspun . a- v ‘

the nnnk. and te dxg wfcly.

TheNa.hv.ueMoeutnestttkewn. ~ .  ~., ., ~«»vT'_.~.. . ;;~. _.  «» —__ A
pte.ented by Piedmont Natural Gas,   I 4,, ‘.A,‘,:"e-<,»:-T~:~.‘:"—t‘_e,:"'=_,(_: 5
wnh Sa[L‘D1gg|ng Farmer: Dneh Witch e‘.;.v_e_‘_~; -;_.-:1-t V. :5; 21;,» nu 6:1   12
0fTcnnca~L\'. Addmonal .-npptnt [mm ' * ' ’ "

.pen.nt.; B.H. Helene. Cuns'lru(l|un,

Care Supply, Cv.m~v.»l1dalcd Plpc 4:

Supply, Heath Ccu1~ult.1nl~, Kinder e 
Morgan, Tnam cemttnetten and rrc

Uullty  e d I,“ 0 nt

EX}I|b|tuIs/Vcnduh for the event

wete CMS Un|f1.»rm.~,Encxg)’, Land N at U fa‘ G a S

&‘n[Ia~‘lr|IEl|I1'\‘, Ethetus Bouts, xcc

Protccuon, Red Wmg Shocw‘, Safn, SouthL‘aalAppamtII~‘, M  : K | | N E S I R | 
southern Cram and VL‘rrnCL‘r Heartland.

Vnry~pL‘nt1ltl\anks' go tn the . .

Na~'hv1IlL‘ Fne Depnttment and the -  

Mum: Nt1~hv|Hc omee 1.»fEmcxgL‘nEy .7 _\_ . of rennessee

Management. F1r~t rcs'pondL‘r~ hkc cul.‘a"“‘°

thL‘~L‘arn the peeple In our eennnnnttte. , _ ._

who mn mward n d.1ngcn.»u~ cvcnt __5J‘P_p.'! . 9--~
mthcrlhanaway. _ —— ' 

Tlmnki an all you do every day} fig

. . . ,. . .: .. . --;_ _‘ ' » v-,.g»;e -V I
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‘Lav _'.t W V -‘ _ ..v..
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 —~—- .7?) -‘;_,t_V E‘ 35.’ ;uta5o‘—_:,e , ‘\ ._
-,Y~— 2/:.t.,_ _. V ,. . . 4.5,-.7. A . _ _ Y4 .. .._, .Vfi__.-—r :"‘

,*—._;.;.= rF -F11 .' tr-1:‘. .<: 4.-' .1" '. - .-¥.€'3'rL’ ~' 3' .
5. nmsswzn 2017 Vssuez

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