Page 16 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 16

What To Do When OSHA comes Knockin’

Authofls Nate: Tllrfnlllzwmg il1furmm‘lon mmmms suggestians ya" may wall) tn 145C 17! workmg with pcrsovmelfwm Ihcfcdeluzl Depnrhllml
cfLlxl7ar'5 Oauplzliamrls/1_/Ely rmd Hmltlv Admnush/zmm ll I5 notprmewfcdlzs legrrlndvlce As apamasiale, (‘oll5l4l! with ylmrlegrll (lnmscl.
Under Hm Dcrllpflflurml Softly and l-lealll. An a/1970, OSHA may cutldnd workplrrrc ln5pc'c!iavt5 la delennmc lfrm cmplayer is complying
aall. OSHA 5;‘lmdm'ris.

nu slmuld have a planl

hazazd and to remnve employees from name calnplalnls may also eome from
lnapeciions ate generally lhe zxposurrs. If Lhe emplnyzl: lolls Io pohee or fire elepamnenls, local or
eehdueleal Wllheul "Well cooperate, Lhe zmplnyer could he held slale uffirinls, doctors who have healed

Pnernohee There areaome crlmlnally nngllgcnlifzmployeesare employees, and ulhslw. cemplalnls
exeeptloner but aalvahee “Ghee Will lnluzzd 01 killed at the ~lle. may he filed vlo lhe lnlel-net, FAX, mall,
generally be less than 24 hours 0, Mzphom

2. Fatnllty ur seveae lnluzy msulllng in

lf an employer refuses *0 aalmllah aialallty, anoveznlghthospllalizatlon, 4. Pzogxamlnspeeuensare aimed al
OSHA cu"-Plianee Ofheerr 0' ll an an amputation or loss of an eye are lnelusn-les or oeeupauons that have
“"‘Pl"Y“ "“°l“P“' '0 mlellele with OSH.A’s seeend prlunty. comphonee hlghcz-than-normal oeeielenl rates.

the insveehm legal awn" may he oeheers will frequently show up at Conslruclmn and utlllty work ole
mma|e<l- For example the eomlrhahee the scene it lhey hear aheol ll over the elassllleel as lugh-mle lnaloslnes.

off-eel la obllsated 10 ohlam a ~'ear=h lnlernel, radio, or lelevlslon. Aeeldenls .

warrants-frequeeled eesulunglnaralallly muslbzmpoztzd 5’ 5l’“°‘“'°‘“l”‘“”'”l"°5‘“"“‘"'l5“

’ .- ‘r-llv.-rvk, I

Reasuns Far and Types nf OSHA 10 OSHA Wlthm elghlhours  :,'VE::°E$";::;,‘T},l
lnaveelhma 3. Employee eemplolnls ahom and compllanee orheers allernpl
Them are ,1, Pmmy mmm ,0, OSHA allegeel safety vlolanons or onsale Dr to make as many speelal emphasls
 ::;::‘i:“::::*'::::"2:;:::::l:a. ;::r:°‘a:?;a:;r;":::L:::“:;:;:"

1- lmm-nenlalanlzersih-at-omarelolr releaselhenanferlheeamplalnanlll reogramrorlrenlllesana ezeayalions.
l>ri°my- There are ~'It-mlinm where lhe tumplalnant eequesls zmonymlty compliance pexsonnel ole required
‘here Is a zonal chance the hazard Could OSHA wlll also keep Lhe eomplolnonas) tn lnspeel anv and all lrenehes and
mull m a death or ~ar-um mlury before lniormsd of any actmn that OSHA lakes zxcnvatlons {hey obazrvz

‘he hazard Cmllal he ellmmateal lhmugh as result oi «he complmnt. At the lune ui

normaler-foreemenllrroeerlures The lnspeelien,osHA.saeqoneallepmvlde 5' F°"°“"“l"“‘l’*“‘°“”"‘“““‘°‘°
Comvllanee Off-eerxvlll prvhably a~l< lhe eompany with copies of employee “‘".‘l’ ”‘“‘ "‘°.'““°“" ‘1“‘ W“ “°‘°d
lhe emplnyu ID valuntzmly alaale lhe mm,,1a,,,.,, wmwu. am Empyoyeg. all-jlnng a PT€Vl°‘1‘ lnepen-on have hem

a ale
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