Page 11 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 11

cnnfluning the entire scope of work gm}, 5, 1-,“, P;,,l,,,i,,. and map I was once told by my supervisor

on the locate ticket by thing a jnbslte > that if it wasn't documented, it never
walk through. while on your walk _TemPt=rary marlurlsa Plaeeel er-_ the happened. lt is important to document
Ihmugh, conhi-m the location of access l°l>-alte are "er-verlaal eemmvr-eat-0" anything and everything related to
points you identified on your prints between the loeater ahel the excavator the excavation notice. Many locating
Take a close look at the landscape to Wtth the eelcr vlehcatthlz the tY_Pe et technicians take several pictures of
search for lopngraphlczl clues of utility Prueluet tluwmt; through the We their markings, as well as make written
construction like trench lines, cracks, ‘“ °al>le- Yaur temporary "“"lfl“S»" documentation of any dumgzs relative
patches or cuts in the pavement. A aheftlcl clearly lelehtlty the eahmatecl to the excavation area shown on the
guod visual inspzctlnn can also help her-whtal locetmrr and Pathway ht locate request, any conversations with
you identify other buried facilities hr-es ht-neel In the tits area Other the excavator either on site or over
that may not have been documented valuable mtermetleh ye“ ceulel I the phone and any other claritications
on your prints. Be on the lookout for pruvtde wtth your locat-on mark-net‘ that relate to information shown on
any conditions that might affect the cuultl include size at ["127 type at hr-e the dig notification. Many pipeline
accuracy of your locate like chain link er l7|Pe materlalr 35 Well ac the rttflrtleer operators and utility operators require
fences, guard rails, guy wires and at l-net‘ In a smtzle trench Dr cm-dmt a representative he onsite when
overhead lines that may interfere with Package and Whe W115 the hhe- excavation is hiking place near the
your locamlile signal. And, as always, step 5; Double duck and mm, “M critical line. If your situation warrants,
he on the lookout for safety hazards or me notify the excavator that there is a
abnormal conditions that may impact p h critical line lauried on their ]Db site
your satery. carpenters me by t 2 gulden rule tn and arrange a high proaie meet. After

- tw d t .As 1

Plan look at your locate ticket and prints me .5; mooring Wm mpg Pram

Ynu should also consider esmlilishirig te make aure ye“ ve accvurlteelfar all Fouuwin [[12 same Mme B“ Each

3 Pall?” ““ ‘°°“““E 3"“ ‘W5 “" “"25 b“"°“ °'{,;'‘ “°“' “)2 '°.bs»'f2 "1 ]Ob can regduce the chances of error.
lucnling one line at a time. I noi-rnally Prevent a cut- err you re =at1=fied The mk D‘ mm ‘mm mvolm much
located several types of utilities on my that everythlr-5 ts accwr-teel fvrr mm {hm um I magi“ haw’ ‘D
lubsitzs but would completely locate yott sheulel make »~'t-‘re that ye“ ve Dpmm nn’E1E;3;mEhm§2‘mDr_ 8
Each “my system Mm Smfing D“ clmed all lids, boxes or covers you

the next »~'y='tem- Strategically eleplhy may }“""? “l’°““d d“‘“‘3 the l°" ““d Bot Nighmytmgcy )5 the Presidrnt and
Y““tf'lSl“ll transmitter and locate  ’:“:;l"““‘ 3“ “‘ Y““’ ‘°°‘*' “ml CED a] utility Tmimug Acmicmy. lzoli
one lme at a tlme» Wher} faced wlth 2 ‘l l’ ' has oaer Z6 years ofrxperieace Ht lhefleld
cm-sesteel fills alte or t-hhty eeaerhehtr step 7: Document your work and ofutility Ioctzfing and damage pvevcnhaw.
devlhy ywr trans-"utter avfay ‘rem the communicate any high profile fadlties Far aarstions or commmls, Bot can 172
cnngzatmdn and locate the line into the ,m,,,,, ,, ;,,,;,@u,m,,,c;,_W

congzstz area.

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2017, tsroea reaaasraaaia . 9

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