Page 13 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 13

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If a lucaloz says‘ he .3 gning to mark to Flouda and beyond as in utility ma, "oh, I don't knnw. [guess !’d any
the entiminlezsectlun by an agreed contractor makememselve. available The meat
upun me, 1‘; needs to mall; {he inure when “(Ed in Exphimhz dlfimm su:}c‘esafulf1rcrje:Lswe'v2:e2n1nvDlved
intzrsecuon yt at time an ztt E u /1 . ,, n W“ DVEY‘ “Y9'“*WE‘9 9C““5°""°
mm, WW her. done WM. 1.2 We bf§::f;-1:flr§§°3h ggggjgggj fa ff: cuuld WGl’l( with the 1mm because he
he was gains to do. 1: the excavator "wk on f’1‘~_h“;nedcm’nmm‘cfll|L’; wa~'nblelowozl<wILln1~' we all have
azlysheisdiggmg one blozk emhewe.: End domnzmmim Ifammwwm obslaclesto overcome on Lhe..e kmdsui
aideBflltfialrefil,(lIiIl‘SWl1flll'1EnE€Ela Bi“ twmamagu mm more pmgem.-u wzmuslwurklogethzrto
to (la Denwpu.-haheadometoeaum §m§ud"ab,fldw‘i !';i’WE'Wam keepimmlmving u.meee.-mymnrm
1...: do whalynu fly you're going to apmmlmmon m§E;m’g Amm The mm. is nmakes sense lollzam tn}
do lfyou can'ldo what you said you mmin ‘rm om Mammy the wnrklogethzrbecausswz know Llmnl
weregningtodo,fnrwlmlevermnsun, . gt}. ‘ ,3 kg‘ _l W wun'lb2longl>efumw£’llb2 wurkmg
itne2d~tubecommuntcatedlotllz fggffodfgiflm; §;j;,f;_;;f_;L., gm wnh thzaz We guy. on the next
othezsidstmmzdiatzly Avcud ..-urpmes ‘h; Pmim fichangs Pfiom numbm Project ltmakesaznseloslarl nfl onthe
Wl'1lCl'1 lend tn failure." ’ right foot.”
and be ready to adapt on the fly. we tell
I iolluwzd up with Trey Crawford, Dlll fulka lg call 1:: work yet: can get It seems that both the excavator and’ the
me president of Cmdy Cmwfoxd done wtthm the me of the ticket and la locale! are m agreement as to what u
Con.-uucuon headquartered in am“ use the mfannatnm given." lakes tn make the pmjen auccesaful. so
gouge, Lou1si}a‘na.Cz1d).('lSra\»vf;rd Mme“ flfikzd Whfl‘ lm “Ended ‘mm new all Lluatk left IS in do tt!
Dnflmcuon “WM 2 mm EX” Ihelucnlozamvolvzd In the pmyectlue Ynurrnuv2.. W
2017,Issue4 Yermessuali . 11

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