Page 6 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 6

on me or po lg .
James N. Bush constructlon
By/axon met
Damsgs emaatiaa Llalsan  ‘
rentiesseeau ,_~g~_e,;,g N V :
sat down with James N Bush 5 /7 i cg, and reeommenrled James N liiish
constriiction's viee President, J’ L‘, l ,/ ‘J construction [or this Qiiarter's
steye watts, in Joly l . I contractor spotlight. m
we discussed the company's  __, ;_ 17,7}? UEVFI UN Du you lntaw a ufllify ur circaaatiott

liackgroiinrl, the vice president's ‘' - ‘ cottmictai whu deaci zlcs some time in Mr
re}s1pon;:il‘it]ies, azl;\cIt).I'3prv.}>‘géamatandt mum. M Cmphym [Ed by ma EMT‘ spa;liglt;;Eitia/l _l/uéllllsuggcsl/U115 fl) [nsurl
w a a ii ames . iis ons riic ion d ‘ d > a 1 i ycr (VIrI(55(L‘ com.

helps them stand apart fmm other a" P“'""‘ "‘

contractors in the area. According to steye, "Any company, no

. . .tt h t.,.- lv- d. tl

ea  to me N. ::;,;::a:i:.:,;

3"“ C°"5“'“°“°“ orrler to keep yoor people working for

James laiish started his company James ya“! you lmvr to km? tlmm ~'af= ”

N Busllconslruttlonyln the teens Dams Things ‘he Almgh‘ Wzyn

in Coukcvlllc, TN He d preyioosly J

workerl with pipeline operators on James N. lsiish construction siibmits . i '-

their transmission lines lietore rlirecting apPY°><|maIL‘ly 2,400 locate mums \ ' )
the company to piirsiie eontraet iitility each year throiigh the Remote Ticket

work ln the mid-leans, James N. Bush Entry (RTE) Portal or over the phone. _ ,s
constriiction started working heavily "M -mlwmnt to W: 811 to pmvvm

in the natiiral gas inrliistry, piimarily in iinrlergroiind tacilities trom being

Midrlle and Er1~t Tennessee. Davld Bosh hut and alav in km? our nmploym

(~nn of James laiish) is the Company/~ sate," says steye. Most Jab sites are

ciirrent presirlent anrl the organization marked in white paint with "B|X~‘l\”

has aroond on employees voiill find or arrows pointing to the work area.

their main otiiee is in Sllvcx Paint, TN Many gas iitilities have given praise Sm Wm Vm,Mm [MN W WNW”
with a separate storage yarrl aboiit zu ' '

miniites away

VP Responsibilities sr Safety  -

Programs ' ' i -
Steve is responsible tor the day-lorday 3‘,

operations or the company and helps . . v , , i‘

President Drwld liiish with bidding ~ - :~

on new pro,ects. Steve helps his satety

coordinator Ernie Kilgore, wl\a’~ been ~.t

with the company more than an years,

lead daily toolbox talks some otthose _ ,-» v—~

talks ineliide; pinch points, trattic — ‘_ "

control, working in exlrcml: weather , - . ' 2 — § ~ 7

and staying hydraterl. lariiie also checks ‘.

employees for PPE (Proper l-ersonal _ J _ , ‘_

Equipment) on the ]Ub~‘llC. Here are . -

some other satety preeaiitions Steve I

and his team are proiirl of ‘

- lnyested in satellite phones tor V ,

remote areas that have no cell service , ‘

- \ . .

- Purchased spine lioarrls in case of . , to

inpiry in riiral areas ‘ "'9 '9"
. sdmdulcd (pp & pm AM “Hing J.i.ars -t Bll<ltCotl»‘tvlltllotlVtt‘lli1lJlllmt‘v¢ltl5llllt‘vf‘alllt TN

4 . Termesse:E11 2013, lssuei

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