Page 7 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 7

Nashville Soccer Club Partnership Promotes Safe
Digging, Service Members and Struggling Families
L‘rInL‘~NL‘C§$11, ll'I pIlIknL‘r~1'up wiili PlL‘dn1(u‘i[ ' — V V
Ne1l|Ir;11C£\5,sp()ns()l’slhC nL‘\\’lyL‘~‘[abllsl\Cd E -. r  ‘6" ‘ ‘V’
Ne1~l1vll]C SQICCY CIIib'~"Hcm()[t1'ic Ciamis" ‘i x - _i '
P|’0l'n()KI()n \'i’hL‘rC active and ieiiied l'nCl‘flbL‘Y~ ' J’ V V

at iiie iiiiliiaiy aie ieeegiiizeei mt iiieii ~'L‘rvi:‘c (0 am ‘ :’ ‘

C0|Ihlry. On Saturday, iiiiie 30th, iiie pr()nI(\U(\h;1l .~ - .  ‘ V
paiiamliip ieeiigiiizeel remiei NL1|’H‘iC—kurl'IL‘d— ‘ i . 3 , ‘
eiiiiepieiieui Aaieii Dem beieie an exeiiiiig 34» L i‘
\'l(k0r_V against r|\';1lA\{lI|r\ka uiiiiea 2 V '
TL‘l’Il'IL‘~‘sL‘L‘811 and Picdmi.»nlNaturalCe1~ benefited

[mm ~‘lgl’I|fiCe1l’IIl.‘)(})()5|Il’L‘ Vm public aiddmn (PA) ‘ ; ""‘
IL‘ild~ and aigiial ~lgm1gL‘ln~ldL‘ rim TL‘l'Il'IL‘~‘~CL‘ vaik 1

a~' well a~' iiiaiidiiig mi both pamim ~hi\rCd eii ~()CI£\I "

iiiedia zirid Captutcd iii local KL‘lL‘Vl~l(\h Covcreigis of iiie ‘

Hi‘/I ii Hail. ma Bvliim‘ iii iaa. Blrmu

game. _

oiii litlc ~p0l’I~0r~hlP oi ilie game al.-e ailewea H5 lo _ — 4 A
offer r-ielel MIIIL‘ lickL‘l~ to a local yeaiii gmap, and .

we weie happy (0 cxtisnd ilie iippmaniiy (K) Pl'V_‘~((IrI 9-; 3- us! i I I .  ii?‘ 1. , ._>* . >_‘__;',L
Taylm Miiii.iiie.- (PTM), a h(\\'\pl’()f1l (Indicated (K) J _§_-_i_ . ,_ Mr; an 3', I 1‘ Am, __‘“__’
suppflrtlrlg thlldrch and [£|l‘fl|llL‘s WHO aie [accd wiiii _ \ —- ~ ~- 3-.“ ML 

the thallcngc iiiliviiig iii Dubllt liiimiiig. /\1l'n()5(2U r V i.—i~iiw.wi i" ; '~""' inn,

rm pilIkIC|pant~‘ weie ab]: (0 attcnd iiie game, wliieii JQFE nail»-ii»:  °""""““" " , ,
oflcrcdiucliziricciutzinlghtout k1'ie1lmu~t()[thc Iamlllfis V ,_,, .-,.,.~—._——.-3'. ‘ ' ' -
W'0|Ild l’I0l(\(hCl’W'l~L‘ be able in afford. ' '  ._. .- ' < -.'-6' -

ti‘ .-.‘_s A - » ,,;.. ,.....iev-iv: , _« I

Tlie gieiip u'|C1|IdL‘d Aiiieiieaii Niiiia wamei 7, V“  ‘I *1’ — ——r ’ " —

C0nlL‘~tal‘it Josh isiiilei, '1!‘ wire l<aiie, ilieii biiilegieai W:

son Brzixtcl, and l1'1ICL‘ eliilaieii iiiei/ie meiiiig and

plaii to adopt Lha LL‘n[Z, saiiii Liikeg C(\mmunIly

H0|I¢D dlmckm’, and rm rCpICsCnkaU\'L‘ dmppcd |I~‘ a

iieie after (116 gaiiie.

"oiie er eiii Ie1l'nlllL‘~ that:amcla~tnig1'itw:i>](:sh

aiiel Katie isiiiieiu. i dun’! know it yiiii kl’IU\’\’ hh awry. ‘ — I
IEV11 lia~ eeiiiiaeieei In Aiiieiieaii Niiiia wamei iiie la»: ,, 1‘ ____=__,M_ M. -i
two ycah. They km a mfldltauy iiagile ~0l'I two yeai. ' ----u

ago. Cod |hL‘dtlh1lIIXDCIICHCCIK)pICD£iICk1'\l1m!()r lb“-‘A 5' I-‘="«
K1'\L‘|l’ ncw f()l’L‘VL‘r iaiiiiiy and Kane liave ~H'|CL‘ Mano-gains ~

adoptcd £\n0lhL‘r mcdically riagile thlld V/v'1'\() wa. wrwwm . _ 1 =‘-e
k1'\L‘rC lent iiiglii. (Bmxlcl aie iii iiie plckufll) . g _
They are Cuflcnkly le.ieiiiig khrcll aiiiliiiga that thcy ,, _

aie piaiiiiiiig (K) adopt. Tlie parcnh are both iii iaii , i g ‘ I

aiiel k1'\L‘V aie waiiiii furK1'\l1I'n(()l’C]ln uh!) (|I~‘tudV. ‘ ’ ~" '1 _

All lliiee kld~ e1llcn§PTM Jiiali 1*‘ Qurqbhh dl’IVL‘Y. ' ' ‘ *1“ 4 "' ‘ “ * ‘ ’ " Q

They weie iiieie la.-i iiiglii (all my we c()uldn’l piil . ‘ — —  i. r————
K111: oiliei kids iii (11: pieiiiie (is we aie no! allowcd In

u~i:k1'ii:irlnie1gL‘[i.»rlhclI pieieeiieii. Tiie Butlers iiael

an AWESOME iiiiiie. As‘ you eaii iiiiagiiie, il'~ a Hazy -

1'10|hL‘h(|ld and iiiey arcl‘i'te1blcl<igi:l<iute1nd ele i In D

things llkc K1'u~ a. a iaiiiiiiw ‘ 6 mm. ml

Ti:nnc~sci:81l,wilh K1'|L‘b:1(kll'\g(\Xll¥l1'\D|'I1bCYL\KIhHC>  3 i
aiiel stile digging piinncn, iia. an iiiipenam n'H~‘~l(|h ‘ 1 " 9 \'

aiiel plays‘ aii iiiiegial role In em (0|'nn]uhlK)’i but iiie auissw i-. ‘a, :2, i ,.

bL‘nL‘fIl~ eleiii ieaiiiiu hard vuorkuxkcnd laeyeiia "Call Vi: ,‘ ‘ ’ .

iseieie yeii Dig/'T1'\e1nky(\u!()l’ this iele t1'ie1ly()Ii play *

m .m,,,,g U“, c,_,m,,,.,,,,m.,, Q M"iH‘i/THHYAKLYIUI/lHlV"1il’HiU1I‘\4/IIIHMCY-L!!! [VH)1VHYIi‘L[iHV WHY! WK WILIIM eeiiiiiiiiiii

ems Issue: Tevlrlesseefill .5

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