Page 13 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 13

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On Sepffmber 25, 2007 a Irm5sWIu11!unzl gas elplasloll lzndfirc dasnoyed all
A cfice ramplfx in mllladelpllla, M155155IppZ A uflltfy mm!/1rml' rlrcldtnfly hared
'-3"‘ ‘ mm a seam Ialeml and a gas lllle. nu IMIMF/1’ 3/15 llllgmml fhmuglv ma selm
\ .‘ ' l lzwalld into llleofrleelllllldlllg rmd/15km‘! nmclater, maenllosloa aeelmod.
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malked, you look rol melels up and wllll CPS and lllen pul lllem on cls deal. It goes back to when you can't
down Lhe sueel to see If l1'1I:rE ale any drawings." ln an ercon (1: make lllese find the sewel lalemls and llle gm
gas memn on nelglllaonllg llouses That plevlously unlotalable llnes lllealallle companies would go Lhmugh and do
will lell you ll llleles a gm mam lllele. for futum localozs ol excavators, "the a hole and llle next llllng you know,
Next, you get oul and louk overhead to eommunlmllon eompanle. ale pumng llley ale dlllllng llglll suolglll through
see lr lelepllone, label opue, and powel ln malkel b.1ll~ that can be buusd and a sewel. ThaI’~ wllele llle wllole lssue
ole u\'Cl’1'1I:fld. Tllal wlll lell you ll lllose sel up wllll CPS loeale polnls. so ollee came up loeeause they would some ln
wele marked ol unmaxknd and what you locate llle locate ball, you loeale llle wllll a ~EWCr jello: truck to elean out a
your ~‘2l'VlCI3 may be.” llne," say~ Tod. lllle lleeause It was plugged and then
wlllle sewer lolee moms, wolel llne, Doing everyllllng possllale to make h“ 'h" 3"‘ 1”“ ““d b'°“’ ”‘° 1‘°“’“ “P”
and sewel lateral llnL‘~ lend to be lllese unloealallle llnes locatablu ln Plevennllg lllese lypes of disasters‘
among llle mos: eommonly unloealolale, llle mlule ls particularly mlcvam 1'1fl~ been one of llle mosl lrnporlflnl llnes ale among llle eoslesl to find in a ezosslaole slluallon wllele mlsslons among llle loeanng
"The gas eompanles slolled pulllng unloealallle lmL‘~ ale likely to be community and uslllg advancmg
llaeel wlle yeols ago, «J llley llflvn involved. closslloles oeeul wllen Irschnolugy and safety leellnloues ls a
b2IIEr leeolels " Iwu underground ullllnes llllel.-eel, powerful loul ln eleallng a sarel mlule
New mmlugy I. bang cmpluyzd polenllally eomplomlslng the lnlegnly in exealaalloll lseeause llle goal ol l:v2l'y

of ellllel or both. exeayanng eompany ls to ellsule public
In makc pleylllusly unlocatabln lllles i . _
_ sa ety and get all of I1'1E|! employees
loealallle. What they an: uylng Tod Com sum. up llle dallgel lllese
. llome at the elld of the day. 3;
to do now ls when Lhcy find an unlnc.1lablcllnL‘~ create lll a clossbole
unlncatnble lmc, llley locate them suuallon; "The elossbole. ale a big
2019 !ssu:2 laaaassee E11 . 11

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