Page 15 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 15

I  f 1 .0 'Eh'
. O f 1 Y
IS gCttlHg Out 0 COHtrO .
Ey Rogercox
ms NW. In:
hm B an ,,EmuEmy,, And It al.e Ematcs a Problem for the a pumlblllty ln 2018 and agzun In I
mm mum fig dmmd lsxtavalori who HFCI1/llfylng toalloxb the ht.t qIIaIlczofZ019, Tcnncssu‘ .-
by [ht Tmxmm W? ‘H ‘cut the aystcm. :lete . haw; Tfhc k gndcrgruurllzd [Uullty Darllxlagcd 1
65_3H‘,b M [ht Tmmwc oentm ate W0! mg a route 0 tlc ch, teventten n oteement Oar ta.

law ,.EmcrgmEy Cmvamnh mm. hat when they get an L‘mL‘rgnncy ordcrcd excavators‘ to attcnd lralnlng
Ha“ |mmmm. dang“ M hm mm‘, teqae.t, they typleally have a short tune and/et pay n annnetnty penalty

M Pmpmy ,, Rmndy Wink mkmg to n:~p0nd. lseenn.-e they ate pulled attet they used .1 {aka cmlsrgcncy to

m a mmmmd lmmm hr cxdmmcd’ away from the mlltlnfl at normal leeate .hettent the .-y.-tent othet. ~u1l beheve
"Pm Phmmg an wmebudy Clwa teqae.t, |lCt1n well he two ta rent houis thete nlevcds to he a luggcx pu~h rat
Pm fihOu,dn,k mmmm an Cmugcmy Tit Tb‘ then dt12lI(dcpc;:|ng en hfity eeluentten and fate-tu—fzlcc dhEu~~‘|una
an my Pm,” wmmm qmum mum fat th\fybrl"l}l‘1atd r1l1VC).‘ 1 adtpllllsf t T‘ to find common ground between

In an Emugcmy mm that dmfly tt et e H) t en .e ae u e. 01’ t L the L‘x:ava[l.»r~ wlI()Ct1Ut}1L‘~Cln, the
do“ not mm um mqummcm 0‘ an anew‘ whe try to do It nghl. Iocalom whe ate lmpattcd and the
emetgeney eteate. problcrns [or all 51.» van tan .ee the rnmtntlen tax the “““‘«" °‘“'““" “‘°'“““““‘
staklsholdcrw‘. excavator whu now has‘ worknh and Ym told that ernetgeney IL‘quL‘~ls (valld
h h “bum that H mm. A Pmbkm eqatpanent Walling [or ptunt tn flags and lnynllell make up appmxlmatcly
for the Mam’ bum the um), lea, tax the total volume at locale
Iucalor and the contract Iocalox. “°‘“““ °“ " d““>' ‘W’ W‘ ‘W
Lenng valuablc tnne te.penehng to them l~ -1 lmtrrn to fake vmvrsnncy
ialm L‘mL‘rgcnclL‘~ pat. the lotamr ““1“*““‘- MW“ "‘ ‘M "Mr "“‘“
even tntthet bclund l1'1L‘|x .-eheelales “'"°‘5""“°° M“ P'"“‘°‘"b‘Yf'°"‘
that ML‘ zllmzldy full Asonc eenttaet “‘° ““"‘° “WY ‘" '°,S'°"> “ W“
lucallng manager .-tnteel, "flbvluuslyl "‘°“'3’ “‘° “"‘3’ “‘°3’ V“ “‘“"““‘ ‘°

It drains the .y.tem bL‘czlu~c we all 4° b“*‘|"=>*‘

have llmllcd te.eatee.}.1 Futthet, l tatthet heheye that ..t...t

t e leeatlng eempany as conlmctual _ _ m,m,b,,d,, wam up cm, day and
ill‘Ad]CgE|lObllgt1lIUn5lO|(s ehent. or °" W‘ 8“’“"“‘> A‘ W‘ PW“! " “ “W ,,,k.,;d, .0 do a Md ab, tan,“
co-mt‘ we'll respond to thr emergency "’ b“°°"‘° “““'“‘°d “‘ "‘° 1°‘“''’'' “"d heheye they wait ta ehente pmblcmi [or
call,  .t It lum~ out to he R nOn- ~<>l"'°‘;m=~ ilghfil; 3’  “fr” m,vl,oa,, mm. ,l.c,,,, ,, M,. N,
emergencyanaweahoumbut-t U ;;g;:‘:;,§;;,f;'"§k;mq;;;[;°§3lg; lhL‘nnlaybL‘wL‘du tufind way~tu
mama a ma! Problem for cvcxvbudy» a mph 0‘ mm Cmmgmcy mquruh ‘I talk to another nbeut the tnnpnet we nll
lt al.ta crcatca n pmhlem hat the [rudxatcs n lot of plxlplc. l awwum you hm‘ °“ °“"‘ °”“"' L“ ’ ‘“'°"‘ '°$°‘h“'
L‘x:avt1lox who mutlncly Calls‘ In the~e that me.t ()[t1'll:I()ct1loh' I've tnlkeel ’° *"""‘ “"5 P"-‘b‘°"‘

lnl.e emetgenele. The hm hiuc h to wet the pt1~ttwcntyycaH ate n. And .t we and ,-ommne who ,..,-t
]().s~()fCl'Ed|b|1|(y. Il’~ klnd of llke the ['ru~txatL‘d a.- l.- the excavator walking aloe,..rt want tn Efil along w,th .,,.,,hmly,
httle boy crymg welt. Aftu a whlle, let the mark~. om. wt", dmnvt cm about tlm
nobody be!-cm h-mt But mum than _ _ _ ‘ ‘ ahthealtte. they eteate let cvcrybudv
that, ~l\un—Eull|ng the aystcm ~l\uws a :’:*';fc*tL~"t‘1l<l;‘°11k“c':<:‘"1jC3:23;) mm M, W. Wm .o5a,l.c, .0 mm a
msmnndoua lack el mspcct rat the otlmx Q‘ X If ‘I i E _ b ‘ l,c1,,“,.m1 Clmnga

stakeholders whe wlll he lmpatlcd ‘ “““‘7" " “ *° “"‘“‘5‘"“'“° ‘“‘E ,

by M1‘ Mb” A ‘Mk of mpm M called In. That . why they hull Cnloxtc ~pL\'dlng
eaeh ethet wlll alway~ end In a poor game My than “ugh, to be my law » K ~ the only way you ran get
working mlallons‘hlp.Tl\t1lE0~!.s tenl pcn.1luL‘~ a~wclatcd wlth tal.e Wm“ P°°P‘*‘ ‘° “°“’ “W” U

d<>|1ar~' In P"-‘d“C"V“Y and lnllaam the L‘mL‘rgcnClL‘~ Enfurccmcnl l. eettntnly

bottom hne

2019 !ssu:2 Termesseeall . 13

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