Page 6 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 6

B’ D y ' S ' fi ld I
lg a 1n prlng C , CHHCSSCC

t all came logetllcz Friday, May 3rd. Far ahnast .-tx months, weekly planntng se.-stun. were In place to puu off a "sxmulaled

Mam stnke and saiety Awarenes. Day " In spate of heavy mm an around, the event tame logetlmr a. planned and from the

inedback mtcwnd folluwmg the d£mon~tmtIDn, 1! was a hut!

Attendees could see the eonsequenees of a hne strike fxum the safety of therr grandstand seats They euuld uhserve what
happen. when a high-pm~surc plpclmn t.- damaged and the unpaet |t has on nxcavatun, uhlity personnel and fir.-t responder.-
when Lhe exeavaturs .-truck the plpcllnc, one at the worker. ten to the ground |n obvrous danger As first responders with hgl\l~
flaslung and strens blanng rushed to secure the scene, 11 wa. a saber renunder to an In attendance of ju~t how irnpunant it t.- tu
alway. eau befum we mg, to wan the appropnate amuunt of tune, to respect the marks and tu dig sately
They also saw the advantages at dtgging saiely and the re.uIts of digging earelessiy or wrthout t’-trst notttyrng Tennessee 311.
Thanks In an the sponsors, zxhibxlors, first responder. and spnngneld ca. fur mmmding an of us to ean Tenne.see 811 befum we
dtga m

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