Page 7 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 7

2019 I ennessee 811 Damage Preverltlon Summlt
crhap~ no une stud rt better r
than curt Taylor, mapplng l 1 , ,, J —
and GIS .-peeralnt at west _ Publl: Utlllly

on-trret. "LaslwcL‘kwr1~t1wL*~omc -

Cmzlls'L‘s'alon~t1nd gmatpcoplu. l ‘ _
lcamcd zlloto[ncwtlung~t1nd rnet . ,5‘ r'_ ,._m\; .' _'. I - . W .-V_ .- av ' .4
gmatpc1.»plL\Thank~'[or all yeur E__ . _g“__9 a—- ‘,:'.3?‘'‘‘' ,‘v 9' _ ,
tearn dud”  9 .  , .1’; ']‘ -‘ ; «fay ‘x-3

The 2nd Annual Tunncisu‘ all I }~ } /_ _‘—"‘ ~ . ‘ -
Damage Pmvcnnun Summll vum , ,_a . I , V I
zlgmn held |n Murfrccsbom at the , 9’ . _ t ‘ J‘, .

Embmsy Sullci and If fcndback fmm ' , ‘ ‘— I,’ ’ -.
attenrlee. Is any lndlczltmn ul hew ,: ' \__‘ 3;:-_ ‘
henehelal the Sumrml h a mu~t— _ .,' ' . . ’ ‘ ‘
attenrl event gmng foxwaxd. .\. _ h ‘ ' - _ 

, r ,; \ \v,’ , -' .

"Wunmd l1.n"lgum1.»IItlmwlo get ' * ‘ , 3 «~ _, . . «v “
the word uutaertn. the state TV: a ‘ ».“. . Ll _ - - a
never been to an event that bmughk ‘N4 _.,

~uch a now‘ scctlon ofuaklsholdcra. l  '- l ‘ ‘ _,f'.gr
Cmzll~'L\sl1.»n~lL‘d hyexpert.. Thanks  t ‘ii

to enerylaerly that had anylhmg ta 1 I ‘

rln wlth the surnrntt," stud anuther " _ _ ‘

attendee. . } 4: .L.— V _ ‘Q

" , ‘ <Y F v . " _, I nun

The goal at the Tunncisnu am Summn ‘ , , ‘ ,  "'3:"'__,...,

n te bung .-talrehulrler. logctlmx te r ' V ‘
exchange c<\l1tr1:lInioImzlu()n, meet ,. ‘>“l l _ -' V »:
new penple and wuxk together tn , l l ’ 1 ‘ .-4 ._-

re.elve ls~‘uC~ that tontlnuc to plaguc V ' ’ _ 4 .
uunthuflald. _ ~&  L 5  ‘ - l
SpcakL‘hal\d s‘L‘~al0n~ are foclhcd  _  - 3 Q --’ 
very nnneh en damage preventren , , :57 ( W“ ' g

and w1.»rkL‘rst1fcty. update.-en - % , - - v 1
entureentent aetmty In the .tate hr - * , _ ‘ ,5 , k
and con~ldcIatl1.»n of putenttal s&'2 L~ “
changes‘ te the dlg law were hath

very well rccclvud. 811’: '
annual mcmbL‘r~hlp mcclmg |~' alas _ r

mnduckud |n con]IIntl|un wrth the

sunnnut. _

Ifyml were unable to attend the 2019 V ’

sunnnut, you mlswcd THE damage , ;.v

prcvcntlon event of the year The r _ . -\

zuzo Damage Prcvcntlon snnnnrt ' .~_ ' ,

ha. alrearly bcnn .-eherlulea, ~'o yen I t.. \ I

~huuld rnark your calcndax in aanot I, ' I _ ‘ ' «
tolet.t.hphy. I-ll :-- ‘y  / ,>'

\ W : -._. ,,\t;.; r I

The ZU2UTcnnc»L\' 811 Damage - * v’ ‘ \‘~\-\ ’{
Prcvcntlon Summll r. ~':hudulcd . , l " _‘ "' 1 .
for Mareh 11 —13ln Franklrn at the ‘ ‘
Embmsy Sullcwt Although we'll ~] ' -
mmmd yen agtun dunng the year, 

go almad and mark yuur calendar ll! rt‘. . .

now lpnnnne yen, Qua h the event ~-lg-In

to attenrl ll damagc pmvcnllun r. '

lmpunantloyoul 3;

2019 !ssu:2 Teunesseesll . 5

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