Page 9 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 9

communteatton between the loeatots and the eonttaetots

ealltng ttt the ttekets ts tlte key to ensute you get the eotteet

atea matked and yout ,ob ts matked tn tts entttety. Not haytttg

good eommunteatton eould eause delays tn yout matktngs as A TEXAS (;As

well as tn the eompletton of yout ptoteet lalso asked Alton V -.-pu,4........°N_ ._._g

tot some tips tot eonttaetots to help make the localoh’ ]ub~ a * . T

ltttle eastet and to ttettet undetstand what needs to be loeated.

Alton menttoned two yety tmpottant thtttgs a eonttaetot ean

do 1.) use whtte patnt to matk yout dtg area; and 2.) Be sute B O A R DWA I. K

that tlte eontaet on the tteket ts somebody you ean eastly teaeh

who has knowledge about the tolt. Both of tltese tlttngs ean

help a loeatot detet-tntne exaetly what needs to be matked to

avoid delays.

when .-peaktng attottt wotktng wtth Eontmtlors, Alton say. p|pE|_|N E PARTNER?

thts ot the city or Newpott; "There ts not a ttettet gtoup or

people to wotk wtth tn thts eountty than tltey ate " He says the

key to these telattonshtps ts eommunteatton. Commmed m operating Pipeline Assets
one thing that stands out aboutAlton ts hts attendanee in a safe, reliable and compliant manner
teeotd. stnee beginning wotk wttlt lccuo, he ltas only and pmvidihg the highest level of
mtssed a handiul oi days and ltas not mtssed a day or wotk customer Sewicep

stnee Nouembet 1, zoos. l asked Alton wltat has kept him tn

loeattng as long as he has been, he says, "You’vL‘ got to love

it," wtth a little eltuekle "I'm telltttg you the truLh, you got

to luvcll." ln loeatmg a lot otttmes the hatd wotk you do -

ts eompleted wtthout euet betng seen by the eonttaetot ot

homeonmet who ealled the tteket tn Not every tolt loeates

petieetly and tlte loeatot ts mqulrcd to ttoubleshoot the ltne he ""é;l‘l"""°"""'


ts ttytng to matk. Also, loeatots otten (airy a heavy wotkload,

ptttttng thett ttme management to the test. these thtngs ean

ttnng sttess to the loeatot, but you have to keep the tttgget

ptetute tn mtnd. The matks yDu'm putttng on the gtound

ate not only ptoteettng the faclllty you ate matkmg, but also

the people wlto ate petiotmtng the wotk and the people and VIVAX

ptopetty tn the eommuntty tt setyes. MET“ OTECH

lt ts somettmes satd that locating ts a thankless tob and you ate

only as good as yout last loeate. ln Allan's ease, it is appatent Damage Protection, Fast, Easy, and Accumel
that JCCUD appteetates uvnrytlllng that he does and that

Alton ltas played a vL‘ry latge patt tn the sueeess of ICCUD ' °’““ ‘‘°‘‘‘'“‘ °""‘ W‘ "“”°°“°" "’°°"“

I asked Alton what he ielt hts lttggest aeeompltshment was ' '"‘‘''‘3' '°“‘"9 ‘”“" °'°'“‘ ““‘ ‘""V"‘

tn loeattng. He says "Betttg as eotteet as posstltle. I'm not ' M‘ “"'* ""‘°"‘°" “"5

petieet but betng as eotteet as you ean. li you ate tn doubt, do - Immal tallhr-Hen ehecklntt

tt agmn." Danny baeks thts up by saying "I think ltts damage

to loeate tatto ptetty well speaks to that " catolyn says of hts

damage tatto, "It speaks rot ttseli, yety loud.”

Luca: buvlnd ullllllus. mavkev hate. mndn

After almost 47 yeats wtth JCCUD, Alton ts planning rot hts am can--mtmms with m-vtacmo
tetttement on May 1st of thts yeat. Alton speaks yety highly ‘‘*’°“‘”“' '" 5"’“‘" ‘”"""‘""

oi JCCUD, ltts ttme spent thete and the people he has wotked 

with. He states, "you eattnot wotk tot a iinet disttiet ot tinet r, ‘t

people than we work rot l don't belteye lhcy’n2 made any *7  2‘

ltettet." Altott plans to spend ttme wttlt hts wtie Joan and t‘ ‘l ‘g

thtee ehtldten who all live tn the atea, along wttlt ltts ~D( ‘ l

gtandohtldten. l asked Alton what ltts ehtldten thought or the I

]ub he does, he tesponded, ”Tlmy say it's ottt of tltts world!"

Alton ha. ottyiottsly made an ttnpaet on the toeattng ‘t".‘§’§‘t‘s‘E“}Zt‘t’t‘l'.‘I,ZZ$l[£1JCI’&il§'t§,a §t'2‘o'L‘ti7§Z E"? Tl‘; ‘Q‘L1"t"t.
eommuntty ttt Jeitetson and coeke counttes attd we thank lttm lllibantun canto Syshm Lmlny Lucalov

tot ltts eontnbutton to cxcavallnn satety. Alton, itom the team  
hete at Tennessee 811, we wtsh you all the best tn tetttement.

If you have a mcommcndatlon tot out next loeatot spotltght, "'"*"""“""' °°'”"*'°" E ‘H1 "H
mm!IkMW*PlWm511 cm I §iiL"o‘ifZ.Sé'l's‘ma.. USA §§'lf.”?tZ"§E?§i3§§o ,.ttE”."'tt‘,.".',n‘@.“tat‘""t..§ fimgm

2019 lssu:2 Teurlesseesll . 7

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