Page 14 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 14

A S p0tter’s Guide to Preventing
I ' d Property Damage
'rn .ere eyeryene reaellng thr. r. aware er the danger. nibllnd
bzlcklng Not enly r. there the pe..rbrlrty of lnlurlng ~1.»mL\1ne
but al.e et rae.rng property damage. Thl~ gulde wrll .erye a.- a
re1re.her ul .atety nrea.-ere. neee..-ary tn zlvuld .-nrh aeerelent.


The hr.-t Iequlrement for .-ate bt1:klngl~' to have a .petter, .enreene
te elrreet the drlver. A .-potter r. neee..-ary when the drlver er
eperater doe. not have a hrll vlew er the bzlcklng path and held.-

1 tree for any enn.-trertren vehlcle er preee of equlpment, whether
i rt'.- a bateh trerk baeklng up te a paver, a mlxer truck barleng rnte
Dial a hnpper <lrh()I~tl>II:ket1.»r a materral. tmrlr maklng a dellvery

Thr.- r.- the rmportant rule ter elrlvers and opemt1.»r~:D(ln'tl>zlel< up
rrnle.. you have a .-potter dlrectlng yenr rneyenrent It’~ an ea.y
rule te remember. The rnrpertant thlng r.- te ebey rt


Let’. talk abent the .petter. Thr. per.en ha. te watrh em for ether.

W as well ac [or l’\II'l'\5ClI and make sure the vehlcle doe~'n’telt1mt1ge
|W""""“ preperty. Thl~ may appear ea.y. It .eern.- that all the .petter ha. to
I callnlauvmull, do r.. tn elrrert a vehlcle to back up when the path r. elear er per.-en.
’ anel ub|eet~ But there are danger~' Involved.
" " — senretrme. when y(lu’Ie a .-pntter, you may have te pa.-. behlnd

a yehrele. lt .e, .-top the vehlcle nr.t. A. you’Ie pa..rng behlnd rt,
extend your hanel at arm’~ length and plzlce rt agzlIn~t the bzlck er
the \'Cl'\I(lC Then lt the vehlcle ~tart- to move became the (lrl\'eI'~'
loot .-hp. off the brake er elnteh peelal, you’ll be able tn teel the
movement and get ent of the way

When ellrectlng the drlver, ~tan(l at the mm but well to the

_ drl\'er’~ .-rele of the vehlcle. Thr. glve~ yen an eneb.tnreteel vlew
‘ I ‘ _‘ et the entrre batklng path and the dnver ean .-ee you elearly. It’~
r‘ Important that the driver nneler.tanel.- yeer .rgnal. se get together

wrth the dnver betere any bzlcklng and explaln the .rgnal. you
wrll e.e ln thr. way yen can be rea.onably .-ere there wrll be no
nrr.rrneler.tanelrng. Alway. be .rrre te u.e the .arne .rgnal. ter the
.anre nreye.-. Hanel .rgnal. are nnreh better than voezll .rgnal..
l3eeae.e et nnr.e, a .heuteel .rgnal may net be heaml or may be


Alway. be .rrre that yen ran be .een. ln addltlon to ~'tandlng well

_ to the eln\'er’~ Mdt‘ of the vehlcle, wear .1 fluorescent vest. At nlghl,
'_" , don't bllnd the elrryer by .hrnrng yenr flmhllght rn the rearyrew
‘ v . nrrrrer And, day or nlght, when yee walk bt1:kwzlrd~, be careful
_~, v: = ;: _ .5 Tegetherne.-. r. never .e lmportanl a. when rt reme. te .petter.
 ' , . ,3 -_ .  —.~-4 and dnver~' et heavy equlpment IVorklng a.- a team, they not enly
> _ -3,, 33' T . " ; ~w pmlecl pmperty but the hye. er therr tellew werker. a. well.
.r__ 4 ‘T29 - _. ..;=-er, Pmteet ymIr~'elI Pretert yeur drlver. Protect your team. 5

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