Page 16 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 16

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ne day on ynul way to woik, you stop at the towns weie hit .s'imultaneuu.s'ly—}usl to show how clever

and smmni alide ywr card through amt uh- the hackeis aie, and how much damage they ean do to

oh '-caid Decllnedl" Bur communities.

"Not possible," you think "Thls is the That's an example or how vulneiable we all ate and how
wmpany ncmum-" we need to take steps NOW to piotect ouiselves and Du!
Yuu get into the oitice and place a eall to youi bank. Yuur P‘“P°"Y'
aecoiint has been iaided, and all the money is gone Yes, one example is personal, one petsonns account got
‘he bank will make it "Shh 3m "N wdnyi and ya“ «ill hacked and money diained, the othei is a frighlenlng
need gas! example of what they can do if they take Ovel 23 tuwns'
Not toinonow, eithen ”Y“"°"‘5 “‘ ‘’“° ‘““°'

It will take a while, believe me. First thing they must do F‘’'‘'‘ ‘,}‘‘“5‘ V‘?“.“” 5°“'““ d" ‘''h““ ’'°“ 3°‘ V°“’ ‘“°“°V
._ _ , . _ back is keep it in the onice sate until you teel moie

is make suie you 12 not the one mnning the seam: . .

eomtoi-table about everything (veiy bad idea; enminals

Meanwhile you still need gas and by now, so does yuur steal sates, tool)

“W” W“ “E V“ ‘‘“"g m d°7 well, oka , what can ou do? C be! lnsutancel

H h t * bo h 13 Y Y Y

ave you seen t e iecen stoi-ies a tit ow _ _ . _ _
Texas towns have been hit with something called N‘:;}“l‘)‘5 *3”: “"9" “‘°h"“."°“” ".’“"” l‘“°k‘§?' hm‘ }‘“'“_
"Ran.s'DmwnrE" wheieby the hacker gained (Dnlml 3‘ “ ’°“ };°““ W”: ‘ *3" “Y ‘“‘_“ E‘ °“ ‘"9 “““““L*
of each uf the 23 towns’ entiie eompiitet systems and “ "‘“““ "‘“ "““ 3'“ ‘’’‘“‘ “‘ ““’ Y‘“" '““"*¥ ““°
_ _ a sate, you know you ate gonna have to put it back in
demanded money to ielease it back to the towns7 h b k u 11 f 1 _
Meanwhile, none of the towns involved aie able to ‘. E F“ °“°““‘“ V’.‘° "‘*°‘ P“Y“‘ ' ‘“ *“"‘P 9'1""
. . like lite won't let us live and do well without eomputeis
accept tax or utility payments, no car tags, no water _. 1 ,1 d . _h E
bills, etc, not to mention that all sons of confldentlal ““Y’“°h"' V‘’“‘’‘‘"‘P“V ““ ’“}‘1‘ ”‘?‘_‘“ PEVEES‘ ".'
data, such as Social Setuuty numbers, phone numbers :12‘? :3; efpec“ V °“‘°’3 ‘ "E "‘ 3“ “ ° “ E °P“°“
of iesidents aie piobably vulnerable now. And these 23 ‘ e V 9’ “’“”‘“°‘ I
14 . Tennessee 511 2019, one o

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