Page 14 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 14

RTE POWBT Users‘ Jackson COOK
- 1
Team Construction W,11,1
aeksnn Cnnk with Team Despite Ihe benefils of RTE, Jackson almul RTE * it's nnl all nr nothing. You
Cnnstruction is one of llie lop ,.ir,,;..ed .p,E,,,s 3 hp, 1,; ,1 imning can enter tickets online wlien you want
RTE users in -rennessee~lie was cnrye. in addition to some early lielp lo and call lliein in wlien you need to.
. ‘“ ‘§°11“?P.‘h"“ by "Am "°‘"," “°3”.M“g?"‘ he “I” “.“‘?“d°d ""“‘“1 According tn Jackson, his experience
In 20-9. an es m the mp five so fa: lraining will. Judy neidilrer w}m . . .

. , . . willi remoteenlrylsbnthahlesslng
lliis year. -rliougli lies in his early aos manages our RTE program. Judy and 1 T1 111 . . 11 11,
and lias only worked fur Team since hE,m-E1231" [Imp 3 Perrentagg oE‘hE 3" ““"“- E. “?““5“‘ 3‘ 7‘ .
my 1111.5 1511511111111 111w1_m11mm 1111111111111111111111 11 comfnrtahle pulling in the vasl nra,oi-ily

' Y"~’"'°‘“‘5°'““'°55 ( %) oniis Iiekets online and Ihat

lo loeate requesIs.IsaI 99 11. 11 _ 11 11
down with Jarkson (before '5 ‘1°‘”‘:'11.°“ 1 “1j"” ‘ 1?
c0vlD—ig prevented llial ,.r ,_ °“i‘.11’“5s11 "" .°11 3"“ “
kind orlliing to getafeel  1,-e 1  V“ '11?" .““ W" .“‘“‘;1‘‘‘*
or why his company uses , 1 l V \1 x1, ff’ '"«*4_1'";'1‘1“<"-W f1'_1
RTE and wlial lie lliinlrs "1 , i/ 1 1‘ ,j1Y“" * 9 ‘“."“ “
almut il personally.   y
Team conslruclion needs ‘ u - i, J,’ ' personal time: lie sliareda
alnloflncalerequesls 1 *___, _ ‘ ~~‘ situalinn wliere lie called
— almosl 12.000 in aoio — _',:,~  . in an ernei-gency locate
and they lirouglil Jackson 11   I... m request wliile on vaealinn
on specifically tn liandle .,_ ’ ’ _ _ in orlando. bul lie said
lliose lickels and the _ .. , r _,p;a op  lies proud lo heatrusted
permils needed lo complele , -- - ‘.151 :2, parl of the Team and he'd
I11eirwork.Meganlw11o ,/A 1 "" , -1‘ liappily do it again to make
previously liandledlliose 2 ’ Ag -1- . .- \ lrnii sure llie guys in llie field
respnnsibilities, was a 1 . v’ ' . :,v."\Ci are sale.

regislered RTE userwhen ‘ . ~ ~ '.;«'3'-‘ 1 11 _ 11 1
Jackson came on laoard, and ', .4: _  . - " - . —' 1“ 5f1“1E”1 ““‘;1 1

slie liad already learned Ihat 1 1 C 1 T C '  c“’"‘ °“.“ $11 “.
111111111111111111111u111m11  vwx   w....l.i,. oi1nmi11ri1ly o ege|§ _
eat up valuable lime. LeI's look at it liy 11 11 11. 1 1 1 “"1. ““11f‘"°‘V1j‘“ Y'“g
11_111_1m1m1 1111 11111111111 11111111111 I1 estate tn ensl1i1rel all elr1m‘aIe 11nanceacco1inii1i1ga ipscorm

1111,19 ,,111s111.1,1111ds1111111“1112s1s111, I1:|]Hestsm1eedI1l] esarne11erin1i1r_emen1_sas Cniyersily. ele sme;11atdeam1
Jackson and his coworkers called all ‘ °‘“1"."’"11 Y°‘;"‘_‘111';r11.'f‘i“"‘Y °11""'““'°“1‘“"P‘1’1‘1“ '1“ ‘fi;1‘°1"
oflheirtickevsin they'd have <°*_;''° -5 W v11°'" .19?‘ °11  3? P°'S°“?1;;‘r-iw 11%“ 5 an 11 1;
on1,“11,11,112p_,,a11,,a,1,,1_m1,,11m1.S an Du;I?1em e1_nni1lies1a ow iemote is 1r1esponsi iilies ave1ef1pall11 e
_111111.s 150 e1g111_11c1u11 w111_kda1,s1RTE entry. l t e q_ua ilyo on inelic ets sot at a1L‘c1ounI1mgspet‘xa |sl is now
mm 1111 11 1111111111 1111111111111 1111111, werenl sufiiuenll we would be lorced part or liis yolo lille. He lielps llolz

lo take all calls by plione llirougli our Teams cm willi cuslomer billing and
RTE users avoid liold times during conlacl cenler lo guarantee llial eacli lie may eventually have to lnni oyer
peak lionrs and submit new locale Iicket mel the guidelines defined in the locale requests to another Teammale.
requesls or updales on llieir own time. law and inlernal policy. Whenever that may her i think we'll
online. around llie clock. Jackson 1 11 .11 11 , 1 see Jackson carry on llie lradilion and
starts with updates in llie morning and 5*‘ 5°" 5" ‘B. 5 ‘" ”'“°'g°“‘Y, °““°" make sure lliey're lrained in RTE.
since lliose canl be enlered online,
lakes care ofnew locale requests as 11 11 11 . 11 _ . 1 11 11 11 1 11 . S 1
11121mmmmss1115111s1111111mg11_1_11 an_ esays eoccasiona yiunsinlo ac sonl an s or eing our ae 1
. . a lrick silualion where lied rather let Digging Parlner and thanks lor slianng

llie day to keep Ihem lrorn piling up. . 11 _ . .1 11,111 11 11 11
011111 01111“ 11111111 111111111 31511 31111115 a L11ocale Reqllesl A1ig1enl_(111l11xA) in t e youi experience W|t i 1111 . _oo uc
Jackson (D mmml his ‘kkfls ‘mm S1311 C13‘ cer;1tefipro1cess1tketlc I. fie uses as yml continue ynur uealmn.

lo nnisli. l-le enlers the exact marking ‘ 95° ‘ 3. “"1‘3'"1‘3‘11‘_ “"113”? 1f“"““‘§ lryoudlike lo leai-n more alionl RTE
inslruclions lie needs (or eachjoh, °Pf,°"“'1"‘¥11Y °° 'j§‘11°‘;f °‘ “F oi- begin lraining lo submil your tickels
lie lias direct conlrol over the ticket °“.‘"“‘°‘ °.E°“° K913 one, online, visil lnsiicom and click on

. . . . .. wliicli allows him tnrevlew exartly . ,
mappingllial determines Wh|l:11IllllIl|eS 11 11 1 1 11 11 11 Remnte Tlrket Entxy in the Excavalor
are nntified on the request, and lie can “V” “L” ‘W’ 9 3“ .“FP.“ ‘ 9 dropdown.
. . request so Ihat lie can repllcalellnext
clieclr llie status olliislickels once _ 11 T11 , 11 11.
11111111 m11m111_1_11 lime aroun . atst egreatl ing
12- Tznnesseesll 2020,!ssue2

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