Page 12 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 12

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“ hen Ihe excavalinn site silnaliun for but]: themselves and the almost impossible to zcruralely describe
cannot be dearly and lucalors marking um: jobs, Even ajubsite.
adequatelvidemified clearandzccurateinfurmalinnrelzved . . .
~ . . ,. ~ For example, Ihe mm sand, to mark
onthelocateuckel, \'erballynrmwnlmgIonnepersnnmay ‘I F I ‘ 1', T H‘ I I
Iheexcavalordesignaleslheronle nulbeclearlu anulher. 9° “"3 ° P’°P" -" ° * °“,"’-
_ 1 V . lrontulpmpenymeanspmperlym
and/mzreatn heexmvated using ‘ . . . .
. , , , snmellmes .. can prove rather 1mm 01 the house. To the caller, (mm
wlute premarkmg, either nnslle or .. . , . .
1 . H, V,‘ ,1“ h_ I‘ dnfllrullforexcavatorslneflecuvely oi prnpe11_\'meanI propenymfrunlof
eeclromca » (\\ en mm at mug . . . . . .
h H» . _ _. communicateIheexacllocalmnsul Ihe back Ience wluch would Include
‘”““‘ ““‘*’“”‘”"”“'d“““g IheirrliusitestntheCallC2nIer lmlhsidesufllle ro n'V\"henLl|e
IherequxeslfurlllelocaleLickeI."As _ = . . . . ' . P P‘ -"
V _ . l\rIark.|ngvuur ,n1> m whne paml can excavalor arnved to do the work, he was

an excavatonlhns Common Ground _ »» . .

A“. . , . draslnullvdecreaselhe amnuntnfume Irustrated beransewhatheexpecledtn

lance (com Besl Pr:cI1ce(Vex's|nI1 . . — . . ,
. . . .1 mm mks to explain the exacl louuon be located wasnot. Vfllenlhelncalor
nliojnsoneullheeasneslloolsvuucan . . . , . . .
. _ , » ulvolxrdmslle.Exaclsllemfornlamm wzsmlledbackIutllesamesllehecause

nsetumueasell|eelfic|em‘\'uf\‘oIu' . » . .— 

Emma“ PMMTIME-7 S1‘.-my gsum1..n.ma_mhu.g.1x;ss.nglsg Ihe u¢.1.ue§ where

d,..P_ .uMl. Q ‘I; ah includesspeufirdescrlpuunswllhm Iheexcavzllonwasacluallytakmgplace,
sluy ..nm.n,, . .c etwt mu, .
V» , V  Ihesueaddresssucl|asfrunI,l:ack. hewasfrustratedheczusehetllnllghl
E).ravauon Damage Prewnlmn lav . . , . . —
. . » nglllur1211sldehvllenfzcxnglhe hemarkedwhaltlleuckelulledfor.

Ihe mm; reached the conclusion um I I _)_ d,_ I, ( 1h M

premarking is a_ praclire uh.-.1 helps : gggcjxarblz :f“;°“1‘:n{‘n‘:M':h‘]‘E P_:;';‘ This is not to say, Ihe taller was wrong,
P"9"9“‘91‘”“'3'-|°“*d3'“3E9- D; _.Efmm_ and mmm dimms but it is In) say uh.-4: Ihe dirertiuns were

. .. , . ' . , .. Ilnrleartnlhelm‘zIm'andll|e\wTong
Excavatorsvvllnlzketlleunuem wlme Irmnknnwnpumls.Someumeslls _ . .
, ., . . . _ . . 5112 was located um d.|d.nlhenefil
1m Ihenr Jab ms (mate 3 wm—\w1n
m . rmwsu ma, mg

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