Page 15 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 15

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Fallure t0 Communicate - Fallure
he llckcl sald, 'lnalk «he «lon« whl«e hnlng eolnblneel wl«h eleal Nuw le«'s talk...” The loeanll and «he
of lo ell ' To «he localor, Ian un e On «he «leke« lln loves «he exeavalol need «ll llnelelshlnel eneh
P P Y S 8 P
[mm of plopeny lneans ennllnllnle.l«lnn pnleess, lnlnlnllzes «he l.»«hel's ~clmdulL\ Who lnlll.l«es «he enll
n.» l« l ln «lon« of «he hnllse. o«en«lal sol dama es and leehlees «he ls nn« l1~ lnl Drlam as when «he e.lll ls
P PC ) P g P

To the eallel, from of pnapelly nlean« possllllllly of down «lnle ml both «he lnade, «he phnne ls answeleel. How else
pmpcrty in from u[ Ihl: llnek fence cxtavamr and lne.l«ol. e.ln l« Work snn.»o«llly=

W}“‘}‘ “"""‘\}fi f“"}:{df' b"”‘ “ml” "" Ll: whl«e hnlng and ll«lll«y nlnlklng ale we've all lealneel «h.l« snlnennles we
P‘°l’“"" L“ ‘ “““”‘°' “"'"° “’ effective mC(l\ud~ of enlnlnllnle.l«ln lnlls« learn «he (llffcrencc bulwccn

do «he walk, he was .=nls«la«eel lleeallse 5 *

‘ V _ on a Job s|IC,Wl\2ll'1Erl2IrgC nl snlall. wlln« ls sale and wha« ls mcanl
wha« he cxpcI:ILd «ll be lotatnd was
Hllwevel, «hele ale tlmlta when «he whlle all s-«akelnllelel glonps have

not. when «he lneanll ennle llnek to «he

mm Mm hi W5 mmmcd bmum loe.l«ol and CXCfl\’«1lOY lnlls« «nlk to «hell «nl.s«la«lnns llnelel lhe lles« of

' one anl.l«hel nn «he plmnc. To make ellelllnslanees, many of «lleln ale vell-

he thought he lnnlkeel wha« «he «leke« ‘h H‘ m I I 1}‘ _ fl ‘ d

and M a appen, e oca nl lnlls ave, ln le e .

“ 5°“ °‘’"'““ ““"‘b“‘ N“ ‘l‘“‘ " ‘ At «he end of «he day lln«h «he

Tllh ls not (0 ~ayIl1«1lllIe eallel not enjoyable «ll «alk to «he talks ln «he ‘ ‘ d‘ I ' 1 V W

was wrong, but 1| .. to  than the offitc, bu« oil ..l..e., they dun’l mally W;"E°*t;" V cf: °; 3‘; ‘L ;"m“
ellleellons wele llnelenl to «he loeaml. know wha«'s glllng an a« «he Job MIL‘. 3°" ” ° “ ““ " “ “ ““ “‘ “ °“"“
conseqnen«ly, inlslla«lons neenl-lea sol sll, llavmg «he eell nllnlbel of «he MIC °‘ "W “‘°‘°‘“°”' ”‘“3'‘“'““‘ “’ ‘“‘“P
lln«h «he uxcavamr and loe.l«ol and hn«h sllpelvlsol 0! «he eon«.lel person on ti“ f"‘}"': 3"“ Ll?“ “"‘P:_:>'°“’ “““ “““
snneleel down «lnle as a leslll«. MIL’ lleenlnes a ell«leal eolnponem of a *3 “ “" " "‘“ “ “ P”

N _ slleeessml lab. l« lleenlnes lnneh enslel «ll be slleeesshll

cl lnnlklng «he en«lle Work MIL‘ ls a d y ‘ I 1 _ f 1 I Vh‘
common neellllenee; ln lnany eases, l« ls when asked who ~l'10|lld lnllla«e «he eall ““ “" am 3’ °”“ "“ ” ‘"59 ‘“ ‘“
«he ellleel leslll« cf llneleal lns«nle«n.lns «o keep the lab running smoothly, nln.s« W“ '°‘“'“ “’ ‘''‘“‘‘‘‘““''V “‘‘d “‘““'V
on «he llekel and ls allnns« always say, "Tllltn: ale .l eallple of llnpol«an« °:’"“‘“;“j'““$ ‘“'““ °"“h““°‘1‘“ E‘
eonlpollneleel by «he laek of Wluh: llrnng «hlngs [0 non: Flls«, le«'s makr: snle «h.l« ’ “Q ’ ? f‘ “’:11?'"5 E, ‘if "“"‘ ‘“
assnelaleel wl«h «he loea«e rCL‘[IXL‘~l we have exchanged phone nllnnbels. ““ ““‘“ “"5 ‘“ C"
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9 ' in a safe reliable and compliant manner
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2D17 emu Yzrlrlzssseali . 13

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