Page 12 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 12

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ete ate a eeuple of amazing nauonal pnenty. wttheut tt you can’! Dpcmtun rL‘~pm1~IbIc tnt kcnpmg
ratt. abettt watet that yau have yobs, yea ct1n'tha\'n b|.h‘lnC.s~L‘~, the watet flowing and are [Or the
may net knew. holclsox llumns. we mu~'lIL‘~pL‘L1 and cuslomcri dcpcndcm upon thta
Dml you mm, pmlcct our watet hne.-. vahtable mwurcn
Wh|lc |ndu~mcs' hkc tlmnnumlnctn: Retently, a eenttaettng etew wetktng
- The avetage east [or watet supplied _
power and tattn ungauon tttthze the en a alum lflgllway ptoteet was mqulrcd
te a heme In the U 5 is about $2.uu tot I _ _
argcsl Volume ui watet, moat cvcryonc te makc a bete undcr a atate 1'1lgh\'\’E\y
1'”°“"“"""“' ‘”1“‘h WW" “b"“‘ 5 teee mzL‘~ the v'\IIIn et teteettn our lh1lr1nt1uou '1] the mlddlc at a ett v
g““°“" ‘°‘ “ P“““3’ natttfttz vnal puiahe tttafet ~uppl1gc~' For The h[|ghway in doublcd a. the rn);;m
- The avuagc Al‘l’ICnEanft1rlulyu~Ca exatnp1e,.1tatttng down a watet aupply slrccl u[ that nty. An am uckcl wai
mate than am) gauona et watet pet to an attpett, emee eotnpxet et beauty called tn, the uullty cumpan|L‘~ were
day at hetne. Ruughly 707, et lhh a.e nettr-ted, the tonttaetet wattea the
DCtur~1nd()or~. apptnpttate atnettnt of tune ta anew the
1x bcl d.All 1 --

- Mm» .“;:.:::.:::tt.,:::;°a.ta:::,:;;tz;‘“
‘“‘1“““" 3”“ %“"°"‘ “‘ "”"“°’ “’ the maneh watettnatn ntnntng H) the
Pmdum alrcnl anaet pavement

- Thete ate an nal|lnatL‘d 700 watet mm may hm mm mm gm‘

mm ‘wk P” “W 0" M‘mg= ‘H W tea.-an. nut to Expose those ullhlms tt
”"‘“‘“‘ 5‘“‘“°- wt1~ under pavement theta wete ttntte
. 307, 9; mm. m ,y,m,,,. .1“. dam, cunatrmnh and the fallback thtnktng
watet ta mete than 1uu,uuo pmpie ate Mk," Cm be mm am a ha,,_m,,,,,g may have bcmu"1'l1I"~tbm' dwpvr
batwm. 4., and an ym, old, CxPmcm_ but dwmpmg 1 Wm that. the hne... whatevet the good

’ ‘ ‘ - t 1 t x 1 v - .

- ea  
abftttt b0,~t Wt1lL‘r and the htttnan btatn » P » H mmcd am to M a bad chum the

h /3/~ watch Kccvmz 0-" ‘WW And nene of (hue dh‘rupl|0n.s addmm‘ eenttaetet bored through the manth
'"‘”~'“m‘"“ ~“° W‘ “‘1'flb1*‘ '*‘ a the Impact tn the watet ~‘y~‘tL‘ms and watet nttatn
ta. Termesszzfill zeta VSSMEA

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