Page 10 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 10

Contractor Spotlight
Turn Ke Plumbin & Construction Inc
Y 8' -
Publlc Awareness Manager
reeerrrly we down Wrth Turn Key Krh says, "Thcv are borh huge mscts 5:30 p.m Thn achedulz creates‘ a work
Plurrrbrrrz Kr ComIrrrrIrorr'> vrre I0 Lhu bualnu~i[" The office managcr lifc balanee for no ernuloyees and lhe
Preederrt Km Bartlrulorrlew Turn r. Angle Queener, who Kns dcsrnbes exrra two 1\uur~ for each day help wllh
Key Plrrrrrbrnlz fir Cor-«ruetron Inc» air "a good Offmc Manager who doe. productlvltv

was nemrnated to be featured rn thr~ all Lhc schndullng and l reallv lean on f ' k C 5‘ .1.
edrtrrrrr efC°r-lraetorspotlrshr by Herb her a lot." Kn~’ oon, Noah, ri fullowmg 173'?‘ ° ‘.'‘'°‘ ““"““‘ U" "3'
sarlen of Lenorr Clly unlme. Board ,.. }.,,. dials rwmcps and ,. m,,k.,.g "“P“""‘

<LCUB) We dncumrd the fnllowmg pan uene Noah |s a l’-mh gcnzratmn l<n.- de.-enbe. Tum Key Plumbmg

_ Hm“, of mm Key Plumbing & Plumber and hl~ dad de.-enbe. lum a. £2 Cumlrutllun lne. a. "full .enrree
Cmmmmm Int’ a hclpcz. plumbmg—wL‘ do pmny rnueh

/ A‘ We mam of the mm an anything ln plumblng. Onglnally
- Kns m~'pon~lbllluna Ea VI’ * P * P ”' when lhe busmcww got .larled we were
K” “ ‘“’P““""" ‘°‘ ”‘° ‘‘“‘’3’‘‘‘‘—‘’ rnarnl r rendenrral and we drd some
;, TW“ "“ W‘"‘‘ C‘’’‘‘”“‘‘' 5‘ U“'"Y n.v)rnmuc|al as/wnll but nola lot of
chpcctlvn “Mk V ,,
rground ullllty work. orher
- Damage Prcventlon Slepa & Lhan service work, Turn Key now
sueemlul an.-rneo. Pracllcna. ‘ Inn» to flay away from mudnnual
Him [T K H b, & work Turn Key gal mm uullty
‘Y “ “‘“ ‘Y “‘“ ‘"3 L underground work water hne.- and
Construcliun lnemesponaibilmes .' they haw MD d,mE’mml am“ and
or A vr ’
~ a eouule oicxca\'r1loza.

T“‘“ ‘f“Y ""““"‘“$ 3‘ C°“"““"““ C I Wlth rhr. undcrgmund utlllly

lne n a. founded rn 1990 bv

R 1 ml C bb 1 R h a _ work Turn Key evenrually brd on

‘C “‘ “‘ °‘ ‘Y’ ‘C “‘ ‘”"“ “  work for LCUB (Lenorr crry Uulny
second gnnuauun plumber who -.r-, BUM) md CUM (cumlmdm
had worked all uvurlhn Unllcd D _ ‘E! M ’ W 1
srare. lncludlng Anzona and Lfgfifcxn, ::§5‘;1':‘“:‘::m“ ‘
M‘“““ H“ "““““ ”‘° ‘°‘“P““Y “‘ Knoxvllln 1rc1 mwfn the unlrne.
Lenorr Clty, .o he eonld ‘V’ { “ch 1. ,_C‘UB‘ Ema fj. km u ’
be off rhe road and elo.e ro horne. ‘ ' P P
and rhey had to uuhuuru: aumv: of
Kns laarrholornew, a fourth Lhelx work.
::2:;:'::::$:::‘;;:;;‘::::;:,t°"  ‘Q, 
cubherlev. He started woxklng '  ' " " ”'°.d"m°' °f 3”’ mm’ and
— wanewarer ar Lcula. Herb ha.

rn Lhc fdmlly buslnnm ar a young ‘ :7 38 an m M mam Hub

age a.- a hclpcr. l<rn would work - K V wfi ,.T’um KEY gm; gave and
dunng the .-unnner and Chrwlmrw — - b ,' d Vh‘ \

brmks when he Wm It l Km E/lvtllolallltll {MY Mr»... Tum  Flvvmllvvv o “3 "“ "” L“ “ ‘°"“‘ “’ ‘‘““‘‘‘‘g

‘ * P“ ‘"‘“ “ ' V X utlhly Elhtumnxs rrghl " Herb al~u
1997, Kuabcgrm working full tlmv: mmmmd Rm hum kc flmw
ln zuln, when Rlclmrd renred, l<r..- mu. m ‘mm m “cm and 31;,“ ,1 —
look over OpL‘rE|(lnna.‘II(1'1L‘ early day. operauon of the eornpany Kn~ doci um a ‘_ mm H‘: ‘b’ "1 | d “mm :(C Y
Turn Key Plumbing sr Construnmn «he csumatlng of ,ob.~, look. at ,oh. ln ’ ’ P V Y ‘ ' K h 3
- r h ‘field oversaw erew. and blllm “ “ ‘°"“’““> g‘°‘““g “‘ “ ‘“‘“ “‘ "

Inc drd rnoaly msldcntlal plumbing r e , 5; mm‘ but mu mom mm to “kc
Kns had a vision fax hh urganlzatlon of those pro]ccl~' ln Lhc early days of mm Of3’d1m*dm‘“%ihm Ham} H not
ro beeorne a fullnscxvlcc plumblng Turn Key Plumbing mos| of rhe work 0;“ “Cd b mmh ,, “ ’
company. wr1~ maldcntlal, but after founder P‘ —" 5

Tum Kc V Plumbin SI Cowman“ and pmaldcnt Rlthard cuhberley wlnle ar LCUE, l spoke to shane Barley,
h _ >fi M ‘S V > d reuredrn 2010, Kxladaxtnd blddmg on «he general foreman of ga~, waler
u;:C‘c“‘r‘“°an: ‘E?’ °>°f":1“f‘ ““ eoennrereral ,oh... Tum Key Plumbing and wwcx. shane and of Turn Key

‘W’ W“ " ' ““ “dd fir Cerrslrrrelrorr he e"|P1ovee~' work Plurnbrn er con.-lruenon "Krh vlvzw~

“"‘dF"“3_"“‘B“‘“}“<‘l‘°' b““‘:‘;‘r Ad?” [our len-hour day. wrlh an on-eall LCUB qgtnm hke It's his own ihey
“" 1“‘°‘l‘ "3 ° "‘;‘““- “‘“  “ mlauon fut tlm wcL‘kcnd~ Thur work often do behrnd lhe ~cv:nl:~ pro-bono
°““"‘“ P “‘“ C‘ ““ 1”" “N” * day «axh at 7 am and they work unul work." some of that pmebnno work
moat of lhe undcrgmund nnhry lmcs

5 . Termess::E11 2D1£,lssueA

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