Page 11 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 11

_ :2 u . lncIudL‘~ notifying LCUE when gn. valvc~ llavn been
, 3-. _ paved ux Lvlhcrww: covered. shnne clmnd ~ayIng, "Kn.
. _ — .3 ‘ and hm new are «and up guym"
» ‘ ’ e " , Damage reevemion sleps & Successful suslness
' _ »r_ -‘ Pmnices
'7 -‘V 7 Turn Key Plumblng K: Con~tructl1.»n lakci a numbcx cf
pmcautlon~ when «hey am Excavating. to pmvcnk damage
_ — __l ’_ and promote safety. Hem an: .-ome cxamplci of ~tL‘p~ «hey
‘W takc on every lab:
l. ’ 2; e- ‘I I » ‘ i - Lutatn eeque.« for every lob .n«e, cvnn ls they are hand
A _ : 
75 ' — ‘ , ' K‘ ‘ - Alway~ n.~e.- a .-pone; when nxcavatlng.
’-“"' " ‘ ‘ I « [’u|holL~ «n ex - -
» y ‘ - x pom and pmpmnt lltlllllcm
V M I--l-»"'-M I’ - Empluv enrnem ln.pee«lon on iuwcx lmci to avoid
, 9_”‘.........”‘.’.7.m ' , L , em. lame’. when «hey know they're borlng dose by,
y . ‘ , e.pee.nlly when worklng alungudn ratlmx than a nngle.
pmnt, pcrpundlcular En.»~s|ng
. ,.l 3 Turn Key Plumblng & Constxuctlon h a sutcmsful
,_e . blluncsa and an cxamplc wunh iollowlng «or n number
V _ , . .. ,-,-  —- ‘\‘\‘ uimaions Fm-«, «hey give due dlhgcncc an every pnne-e«
'+, ' «hey am wurklng on, gmng thmugll eneh .«ep and mzlklng
5:’ sure ««’. ngh«. seeond, Tum Key really pnele. Ihcmsclvus
-fiviine ’ . «am on «he quality of work they are domg. Thlrd, «hey
,-. 1. . ma-." ‘WW knuw kcuplng «hen wand and showlng up on «nne pay.
« (fig,  dlvldcnds wnh eu.«ome«..-. Laally, Tum Key not only «nlee.
- ' -‘ ‘:5’ 2 . . .,l mm of «hen eu.«nmer, «he utlllty, but «hey elm «n-n« lhe
» V n.''.--',, e, ,«.,_¥~ _ :’ unheys Eu~tomcr~.1~tl\urown. Q3
Ilmxu l:,...lwnn«l,  Km; «:l..,,.«lw HCarv«!vlln»avv
H ". /< $"“‘a\:jj:3‘ 4
‘ 2' _-.n.'_;-4\ n v,-.
nu xoylsu'mmusI_n . ;_~_-   A  '.
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an axcavmrs. I _
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learn how Ieachlnu . .. u
92.100 realms . - y _‘
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888-882-8777  Wonygwnygnl
«,.,n_w,«511magazlnes com www.utasear(h.(om
em new Temlesseesll . 9

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