Page 6 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 6

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Keeping Nashville healthy is big business
nlluul a doubI,wr1lens 3,000 nnles of water marns and 3,100 annnnuy fur the past three years wnh
one of our most precious rrnnes of sewer nrarns m the Nashvrue approximately‘ six (5) pereent of those
and most undervalued Metro area. breaks caused by eontrartors she
re.-onreeson eanh Itrs H‘ M I W F Se I Y also stated that the water treatment

zwuzntml for the survrval ofmankmd ‘ ‘(W3 _ E "f‘ I“ “ ‘"'T“" “f ‘‘f’ and dehvery system provrrle potable
as wen as our natural wmld. Try 831' ’T;“°“°“ ‘ 3 ‘"““m“ °‘l‘"‘”"i‘ water for domestic purposes as weu as
going a day or two wnhout n and rts £xt*am°DYrf::‘r"‘D:f“Y"nful:‘j:  non-rlornestre use mcludmg mdu~mal,
Importance heeonre. erystal elear, rust » 3 P rnanntaenmng, recrealmn and for

hkn the water Metro Walcr fire protection. Failures wnlun
servaees <Mws)workshare1   the Wale: ~'y~IEm gmally affect
Io pxowde to rts more than , — \ 1.. the enrnmnmty and, m some
200,000 water and ~I:wn:r (§ :: mstnnees, could be rleu-imentai.
en.torners. A A x »’ ,1: when sewerhnes are damagnd
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treac,mannge,anr1 pmlstl ‘ ‘ P

our water re.onree. m a Leanne seott, system .-ervrre
snstarnahle manner fax the benefit of before drggrng wnh ,nst one free phone assrstnnt ehreetor sara, "Bung a

an who hve, work, and play In our eau and rs a vital resonree for Metro rnemher uulny of TN an has benefited
commumly” water as Ihny work to nrnantnrn and MWS gmally by prnaenveuy pmlctlmg

protect the quality of nrater, wzulswatzr our ntrhty and enuxnng we reeerve
soma Auman, managnrof ~Iratng|c _ Lh .
mmmummm my (1 M1 689 and storm drainage area at eoversm nol|ficnl|on of any excavation aclwlty
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square rrnnes for a population of more that room pulcnlmlly damage uur

Wm“ ""4 “’“°‘°‘”"“°’ “"‘P‘°3"°’ °‘ than 540 000 resraents Infrastructure "

MWS lakc thrs rmsnon datzmnnt vezy ' ’ ” ’

sennnsxy They are responsrhxe tor the Aurnan rnpozts that Metro water one of the rhauenges to protecting
eon.-trnetron and mnmmnance of over servrees has averaged 529 bzzaks any underground uuhty hne are the

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