Page 7 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 7

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_h,m|_,L,\um“mmm,ndm.g,,,u,,d" RF}vJIx‘ll1glhcbICdL V glubnlC(VnIrnunI(\'\V!(IllZL‘n\(IchU\t~
,m,,m.> ‘hat M kV(atCd m,m,‘,, gm reqttttt-~ a :\“V‘v(a“h\TL‘l1nL‘>~L'c M1 wltrt help px‘(Vr1‘1‘t\[L‘|rL'\l1\\‘.1KL'x
tttttprttpu,t,\,u.__PNd tmmtd lmhc bL‘(.1II~L‘lhL' L1\[tl1n1glhc\'\‘t'1IIlKudolx .\|I~taln.1blllt\', Httntattsratt »utt~ttttt
mu], U, Hmd g,,,,,,|_, ,,, ,,, mu (M. to tl.trtt.t_ee srttttetlttttg clxu \‘t'l1llL‘tx‘\‘ll1’:, wttltttttt toad trtr up to .t nttttttlt, but
u, M, L,.__mm,, d,1_,:,,,|_, K,“ ”‘C “mtg tLVxL'p.1lx‘d1cIxt|\\‘IIIln£\ Maxtngtltese wttltttttt drtttxtttg tt-.ttet-, >|Ix"\.l\'.1] ts
t1““7k‘I‘|Zt11C1]nL§‘Kd!cp!x!tha["x!Ca1|!V [L‘p.1Ix~lu1dcx‘lL'\>lhnnldcnlCvndlthtllx lttttttetltt.antattet-ttldatts l\k‘tr(w
D Efipccmnv m ‘he HM. 0| a “mm “M Ix not alwavs as CJ\\' .15l(\LV|lhd> and \‘mIt-I >L‘l’\'l(l_'\ md Tct1m~s~t:c in
MM “vdtcr up an gg gum ,,,,, N that s .1mvt]1ux'x1.1>nnInrnmklllgtlmt \\'(V[I\ h.1x1t‘1—ll1—11ahd to help px‘(vKL'([ the
A mm" “M 1“, Puumg L," B e,_,”,R1‘m. call In T\‘hhL‘>\L\‘ M11 w.1Icx'~Llppl_\' lake» and tmlcr shed
wt, a mum. gugm ‘mmdw to Fmlmhm “Why A speetttt-.tlly bl‘ uxlllg mm

pl’.1\U\L'\. B
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92%“; (A,  /mm mm flaw yea?

Shelbl “ Elle” Lawrence
fie Dates of service: 7/10/17-11 /13/18

\ Our hearts are heavy mth the loss of Locate

’ ‘I I Request Agent Shelbl ”E11e" Lawrettee on
Q  Tuesday, Notertther 13, 2013. Those who had the
A \. _‘ pleasure of \'\/Orklng alongstde her tn the otrtee
~.— ‘ _ air‘; or speaktng with her on the phone can attest to
F 5-_.—.—. her friendliness‘ and warrntlt. she qtttehly tottttd
— ’ ’ her plaee tn our 811 tarntly and we were blessed
V e, , . y 3 V ' E  by thettme we got to share mthher. Please keep
 15% L E1le’s mother, Mary Beth Lem rertee, rather, Mack
-’   7 — P. Lawrence, Jr., ststers, Mtehaella and Haylt
‘_\-g Lawrence, and grandmother, Betty Langhansher,

, _._:‘ tn your thoughts and prayers. We mute you to
‘ ,'.i‘\§ - share your story mth us tt you were one of the
V 3 many callers whose day got a ltttle better et ery

.t. ':‘_ ttrne you heard, "Thts ts Elle, how tan 1 help

' i you7”

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