Page 8 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 8

W t K Ut'l'ty D‘ t ' t'
Quallty water and rellable servlce slnce 1954
smseraer Dresln:m,AE1S Now Inc Tennes.-eesu, he .-ard, "Ym not even
, _ ,_ V ___ ‘ .-ure,hutlt'sheen rleeade.-. ohvrou.-ly
‘ :5 _ $4,! ' ’,—:-gefser “ 44 ~urn2Ilm£ln the pa.-tsorneonesaw
V;-3. ' -r"-‘ ’.- t 5 ~..« ‘I r - ill.‘ a. the henehts.Anrlto rne,lhe benefits
: .' are obvlous More notraeauons of
, e 1 o lmpzndlng sxcavallon allow In In
\l _, leeateeurlrne.lsutahoeornrnunreate
. ,— - ‘ r ~ , 4.’ . V with tlreexeavators and that results ln
; :, - ..a- ,, A_.: less dlsruptrons and eostsavlngs. Both
' I} V v - of these lsenents are a blg deal tor uur
"‘ . ' ’ .. '_ “ cu.-lorner>.."
\ ‘e ‘i e - wayne also ~'l:rv2~' an the underground
—.; , a .
~- r , . , Utlllty Damage Enrereernent Board
a V. r - e-r . - . .
I ~ . . -. r ml. and curmnllws the vreeeharr The
..  e. .9 be >
. —‘ _ ,. ,__'l,g‘_  r.;“-:»<'  ‘i§:'!;:9“,"-¥_ Enfurczmznt Board was ereated in 2015
V,  Z‘ , ::L;*g'§;.»';~‘.'‘-._':;.-:._. :  ; .‘._-id  and rs eernpn.-ed of seventeen <17)
.- ‘ ~: _»  :9‘ H”; ‘v‘>‘~= .>__>;a_-  rnernhers hnrn various stakeholder
Wllyml l-4.».-«W, amrarat rnmaan /av ma Knox Unllty Dmlm 5"’“P‘t“'1‘°;}:"‘ ‘;""‘)"“f"“‘d‘° d
pzomolng e.-ae '0 un ezgmun
utllity taerlrtles by preventing harm to
he west Knox utrlrtyolstnet rates as low as po.-srhle There hasheen Pgoplgy ,,,.,,,a,.,. and ,..t,,,...,m.,,e
(WKUD) has been servrng a Commllmznl [mm the (up down to
customers srnee 1954. Today, rnahe the.e Ihlngs happen." The bcgnml ts re~py>mtb1e for levytng
Ihn lyrstrrcvs semee area rs H , lvennlt-esandtnk-nsnchnn nn

appmxmmly m2my_tW mum, Waydne -a;d, We reiortunzte to h-wle cnmplnlnts of alleged vlolauon.

rnrles and rs hordererlon the zaslby 3”” ‘W "Y “W “W” ““ °“"““‘Y Hum ,.,t,bmm1mmn

rhecrty of Knoxvlllz, an the soulhby W'="““‘""°“E~“* '““"°"E““°“*P°’ ’ . ’ ’ . 5

‘ _ H h _ 40 M5 d day(Mm)W..1.u,emW,tym,m18 expznencziorallniu~,}lovlevezIthlnk
nteratate lg “’“)’= an an on Mew there are alreadya In! of posrtrves as
the nvnh and wen by Andmon and a result of the new law. one benefit
Landon eount-esr reapecttvelw The at eeurse, wl<uD is more than water. is .},a. 5.ake1,o1d,3,, W,“ hm U,

north and weat boundarm are formed Thelr 75 employee. are eornrnmed work Iognlhsr. lhelreve as the board
by Melton Hull Lake, created by the to maintaining hundreds of rnrles of ,,,am,2, and mfomemem become,
-mlwundrnent of the Chnch Rwer by water pipe, sewer hues and ensunng mm mmmmprm, Warn *2 a gm,“
the Meltun Hull Dam. that therr customers are nut subjected eonunrunent to sate dlgging "

Today WKUD serve» We! 19/00“ Water "»’.:'.'"°"°S“"y d'""‘m°'" "ml mm‘ we all know that calllng Tennessee
and 23,000 wmtewatzr customers in "* ” an More you dis ,3 the hm fim

one of the fastest growing conhhee tn Thelr 29,000 water eustorners step In protecting Tennessee's vital
T‘““°5°“- are served by nvvroxtmatefiy 400 underground rntra.-trueture

l - r P 1 ti 1 '
Recnntly, we had the chance to sa 3:: 0531:; mrjmefmngmei-fa N Am W, M the 13“, Thank you
down wnh Wayne Haattnger hesislent ‘g. .H ’ W11 .p ,1 h West Knox Ullllty Drstnet fur yeur
-nnnagerfvrthe Dwtndto find wt "rm m‘p°"“ my "W ° W leaders-hr in revenun darna esrn
b W (H WKUD long wl<uDhasheenarnernhernt » P P E g»

rnerea out ayne an he ymmmmumty W

Wayne, who has been wnrklng for F

WKUDfozr1buul14y2an eredns _ ~ '“" - -V 7" _
general manager Drexzl Herdel for , ’ - ' ' ,

much of lnrstrreru pregress and gzowth

tor the past few years wayne sard, , .

"The purpose of the Dlstnet rs to . - . V _

’zlcqulre, eunstruet, improve, extend, .e_,ar%~‘ A I * - — ,

operate and rnarntarn a water and i_ , _  (V j

wastewater system.’ we walk dlllgently ' .».-'.i,,."‘-, , . ’~* ,.,.,‘_‘£‘ ' .

to provide quahty water to our ‘-  _  ,- 3‘: ac.  p ‘ A "is
cu.-turners and relrahle gee = ." , . -- ,,_ '4'

and toprovldeexeeptronal custorner _ _ rue- V 13' /‘ ~ ‘ 5’

servree. we plan and prepare our W 4;,» -» 

infzrwrructumiorllle Eurrentand future ' " ‘ “"'< ,e _ *”

needs of the community whrle keeping

c..n.»...l., earn an.-arr-..a.. vw‘/l man ae.ra...».../.rr.t.»oar Mcltull Hm mm to re mtllymcrt ... H14‘€lHHIlh‘! arm

s . Termess::El1 2D1.8,!ssu2A

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