Page 10 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 10

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rzcznlly had (112 uppnrtunlty lo and P"?‘“°“>l)’ Worked aa a ut-my primanly help wtth hm» and e.-ttmatm
al| down wxlh the leadsrsllxp learn CD“|YflClUYiDrMEmph1~‘Conslruclnm p1’DiI;‘E|,s,buI\'\’l\flIEVErLl’I€(Ol'|'\> an E
at[’m1l.1nd Ut|liue~'Cnnalru:liun outoiMemphis,N2wYozk 1h1991, n2eda,Ihat'awhat[du” P Y
Company (PUCCJ In Portland, Emm founded PUCC |n Pnnland,

Tt-“heme. I .~Pak2 wnh foundzx Tennesam The company has grown M"‘°’ E’"‘°" °°“' 1"‘ “’°"<°d ‘W

and president Erme Wuodcock, vxcz [mm Ila angina] .-tx cmpioym lo PUCC ‘” 24 YEW» "2 “fined out
president Mike Woodcock and Contract 95 emvlvym Working out of three “"‘"““‘“5 “’b* “"4 ““'““$ ‘“ ‘°°"‘°
and projccl manage! Tm, Wen‘/Er uffices mm. the country: Knoxville, mqumts for the Company Now the

The company slatted out dmng Dpzn TN; Portland, TN, and Houston, Tx. °”“”’ '“ “'6 5*“ W" "' ‘hf ‘ml?

cuts to tmtau new sewn! hm, but HDW "When we fim started, we had to work ‘“q““‘5v 5"‘ MM WW1“ dwlv with
r2}Iabilitz|l|nni~'tl12Ir mche. PUCC was a ~'I><-day week to aurvwe,” Ernie aavs. h“ P“’l“°‘ ‘““""E"“‘ “’ mm We end‘
nominated to be (matured in Lhts Edition "As ‘he company grew” he continué» ‘°b ““Y° °“ ‘‘“°‘‘* "W2 5°" “‘ PM W‘
DfContmcIor Spnflighl by chuck "we cut out Saturdays and mi»! of Du! Wk?” W“ “"3 E°‘“S ‘D W‘: What We
Rowsey, the asalatanl general manage: guy~ work 45-so liuuh 2| wtek." When “"3 5°“‘5 ‘° W W‘ ‘W’ flgzmfiively
at Lsxinglon utthtm. I asknd Ernie what he mu hi~ umn rm “'9 SW5 ‘D W “W56 Pwleth

. , wxlh these days, 11: said, "we all \'\’€iIr "~ H atmlegy vi how we are smug

History 5: Leadexslup mumpk hm my ‘ht mmpany and mks to keep evetyohz b\1~y, what type of
Ezn|c woodmck ha, been in me are hat the most Important Ihmg Now I """‘k W‘ ‘"9 3°‘“E€ “’ dc‘ “W1 “'}W€
corwtlucuon buamess mm was

5 . Tennessee 511 2019.15“: 3

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