Page 11 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 11

Histor , Back mund, ,: . ~ .. . * — ,

and Leygndershxgp of Triton _ 9 ‘ J1‘ W i‘

Cunstmctiun O _ _ J ‘“ r .

Triton Cunalruclion w.1~ foundnd in _ " 7“ —  ‘

211113 by 13.11 McDowell, 1he company's I.

pre.-.e1e..1 11.11 tells me 11.a1 .n...1 of  .

11.e.r wurk .5 een1ered around ga. = 11

d..1r.1.u1...n and u'ansm1~'s|nn and they —

a1.-1. do contmd wurk 1..rA1n.... Energy A I ,

and 1..r otlmr local eun1rae1..r.- when " ff ' - '» v 1

lhcirspe:1al|z,cd cxpeucnre 1. needed ' - 1, - | '
T1.e.r1.eadquar1er. .n .n Rockvale, }¢ ' 1 !

Tenneeee, a .-.na11 cnmmumty  ’ — - 1

1..ea1ed .~.ouIhw1:atofMuxfrev:aboro .n .2 / [2]] /
Ru11.er1..re1 County. =-— f /

sanee rn.dd1e admul, 11.11 ha. worked _ ‘f

on and raeed racncars and tlml'~ w1.e.e — ’ e ‘ \ \

11.11’.1....e 1.1 fabncauon .-1..r1ed. 11111 '

has been in 11.e naturalg21~1ndu~1ry 211113 and worked out 1.1 .1a1e an cmos .11.... .w1.1e. .1 ...1 u/M1D1m1r!l’. :vr11pr1111r~

Iransm1~'s|nn pIp2I1n1:~ 1.e .1anee1

Tm,“ Q,,W,,mD,,> 1.1 1sw and ha. been w.1h 1he.n 1.r 3 guys every n..nu1e and we n.u.1 .-1....

years 1sw d..e.- 11.e fabncallon woxk .1 we were 1. 1... somcthng. Then 1 an.
“Ill talked about l-OW u W1» Purim 1... Tr11..n c..n.1.ue1...n. The a1... paying 11.e.n 11.e 1.. 11.. .1...
Emma when ll‘:/xi’ 1:11:94}; Tullj[uD H company, USA, .. run by Prcsxdsnl Ron 1.... of tlml.”
orutructxon. " v a , on e owe , , . . . ,

mined M. moved 1...... .1... }f:;*;:;;“;;”“"W'*“““°'"P“"> neceersew-cesnuough New
worked .n 11.e mduslry, 1.u1 on 1he 1..1a1 , T€ClIuu108Y

v-vppoulc ~'-dz as a ~er-Iur vlcn Pl“ld9“‘ D“"“‘3‘3 P'‘‘’‘““‘"“ 5'91” 1ha111.11 Me13uwe11
for Am-Us Energy "1 Tum Bill lulu "12 11.11 summanzed mun’. approach 1.. 1.... e..n.pan.e. 11.a1 ....era1e

'5“ R0“ i‘ 1"“ "‘“u‘°' and “'9 1°“? damage pre..en1.r.r. through 1hree kev separately on 1he Tulon Conslruclion
ofl-1» bu»-ms acumen» "My dad i~ .1ep.; ' property. The.e panner. he1p en.-ure
auver ~'lm1>1 and he wally Pusl-rd me 11.a1 TnIon’~ :rew~ are bringmg 11.e

1.. ha..e1he best pe..p1e 7 he's reauy 1ha1 1. Safety mm and Em“ technology to hem
"“"°“"’—"’" R°“,*"°’ “’ °h‘“"'“““ °‘ "Damage Preve..1...n ..- .n.p..r1an1 .n11.e field. one exan.p1e..-11.e cmos
fi“h""_"’d ‘°‘ T‘;“"“ C"“““““"°“ “"‘ bncause of safety 11... ..- my extended mbuuc welder used by 15w .n 11.e

‘ “‘ 5"“ ““ 9 ‘“‘“‘"3' ““°‘ 1983' 1arn.1y and a111.e end of 11.e day I'm iabncauun pmcms 1.. weld and eu1
11.111..1d nne 1ha1 a11 his Empluyena maponaxblc for my guys. 1 wouldn't pipe Anothex 2><ampl1:1~fuund nearby
am va..,,.,.¢, and my, 1“. R d,1...m... wan1 1. put 11.e.n .n a dangnmus a1 USA w1.ere1hey design and rnake
.k.11.-e1 1ha1 u1n.na1e1y .nake.- 11.e amxallon where they e..u1d be 1.arn.er1. «hm own ultrawmc water meters
dmerenee 1.. 11.e.n. 1-1e wa..1ed 1.. s1e.. one .. gemng 11.e .-1un1eea1ed so 11.11 MeD..we11 offer.‘ 11.e1o11uw.r.g
,,...,,.,o,, some 911.1, ampluym m 11,. we don'I1n mm 1.11 any underground auggnauon 1.. his e..11eague.- .1Cm~s 11.e
office 1... company run .1 ia:1l1I1cs,ThaI:nuld be a 1..g1. voltage amt. "EquI1>m€ul and lwluuvlusy have
M1. a mg}, ..g,c,en(.,, ga., wa1er, sewex ..r fiber clmngnd 1ren.enr1..u.-1y ever 11.e year.-
, ....1.e " we change every 2-3
' l<uu Berry exeuuuvu u='~'l~'luul. Wu“ . year. anr111.e newer Equipment and
Tmon Cnnstrucuon 1.. 7 years 2. Expenenee gmmg new technology an MP W1‘
- Hea1her Halsell, office managcr, "see..ne11y, .1’. 1he 2><pL‘r|ent2. 1 e.1.n.a1e vroductlon and Ilw »~nlcly of a Pmim "
w.11. Tntnn c..n.1rue1...n1er 3 1/. all the 10b». an l lmve a fim} -den ff Rapmng the ‘mm, D; p,ed,,.om.,
year» flu‘ 1"‘; guy; if gull-uilulul ll ~‘d'l‘1}jt 1101.1... Garner, Tntun ca...1a.e1...n
- K.-1.-1. Hazbm, office amialanl, w.11. h:f;:’ |:§u:“‘;n Tm;,;:'m  “ uudf:;lfluul;llu= l"k'1P°Yl“;Cl? of rléuus
Tr-mu Cumtruwon for Z ‘/2 year» Important 1.. knew w}1aI'~' underground j;‘,‘:‘:“'u:“;::l;n“"::m:“fl:::h§l::H
' C-Ill-y Tullvlt. human rmuurm W‘ “W ‘“““Y ‘““°’ W“ ‘““" 3° ““d“’ These are 11.e jnmznls of 11.e.r buameas
manage. M1, M9,. Cm...,m,D.. other u1.1.1.e. because .1 ean mally 1...1d model and mmgcmm mm” um
for 1 year Wu "P Yuul have 1° :u,§>Wl1°W llu Plru set 1...... apart ...- .. contractor and make

A1... 11.11 has 1.... anpamle " gomg m “'2 gm" “‘“" “ 3'?“ 5‘ ‘°’ °‘" "C““‘”“‘°‘
e.....,.an.e.- 11.... opnratn .n Rockvale in 3. Cost Svolllslu .

dlflcm-I building» on the wme campus: 1-11..“ 15 a ,...,..1,e,....,.,1....d .1“ Wm En.a.1 ]frye1'(rIJfermc55('c'B11.wv11 1.
luu°V“"V* 9°?‘ WW“: U-C (‘SW “"4 1.. h.1 1 There .. a d..11ar arn..un1 recommend a uuluy or excavation
Uuluy Syuvms & Aulomaum Ll-C “W1, molm. Wm, my guy, H. We“ a, e..n1rae1..r1.. be fcatumd .n "Contractor
(“SM CNS Wullmuu '5 ll‘? P“““l'=“‘ fixmg wlmlcver wa. 1111. I'm paymg my S1>otlizlu” 1 Tennessee 1.. . 9

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