Page 9 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 9

clanficallnn .n the law cunccmlng the resnurees of anel the.r loeators Addressmg onuate may also
cxccutlvc eon.rn.ttee of the zniorcumcnl .n the absenee of those ertnrts. Abcttu n.ean settang nxpaclatlons for who .s
buaxd. ln addlllun, there have been systen. tor aeldressrng large oroneets l~ rcspunslbln fur lucatlng and marklng about the srze of needeel tn pmvnnt delayed responses pnvate l.nes.

$;:|:r:rl:|lllLv beyond .ts eurrentthree and nxcavnlurdowntlml: u_ “my Fund: Cw“ mommy

9. Legislative Exemplions: Regular collnctnd by TPUC on
7. Hand Digging: some state. have mvlcw of notrheauon and mcmbczshlp behalf of the entorrernent bnarel are
a elause .n tl.e.r law mqulrlng hand erernphnns pmvldcs the opportunity to deonsueel .nto a ut.l.ty fund that the
dlgging the tnleranee zone or or mudliy those cxumptlons board rontrols. The fund ean only be
when Ihcn: .s evrelenee of an unmarked that .nerea.e the llknllhuod of damagn used to rontraet wllh prrnuders of
unl.ty. our law does no. a m_ Membership Vinhuom whm publreawareness, eduratronal, and
hand dlgglng rlause but does requne I I Y \ ‘ f d 1 ‘ ernnolranee Iralnlng we suggest that
that nxcavatun ut.l.ze reasonable eare “f“&“ “[3 “Ff” “I” W“ 11'" "‘°f ‘°l'l“ t1.e fund~ also be u~l:d tn srnall
when wuxklng .n elose proxlmlty Io ° Y“  _°’ “° ’:‘““l‘f l‘}ff’f‘‘ ‘“ ullllty operators .n tomplylng the
buncd l.nes. we are researehrng other 8”“ ‘ff ‘Ff "T ‘“ ‘fi ‘’ Vh‘ ‘gm? rnernl.ersh.p n:qulrr:ml2nl~ at the law
states’ laws to wlmlhu a P°‘:}“‘ ‘T “'1 ““ °;‘“l‘ “ “f: C: ‘R’ R, _ r1~ was .nelueled .n the unglnal blll but
mam deta.led denn.t.un ut reasonable W‘ in ca mg, n murtlngrl PH;-8 88> Expufed Ianualy 1, 2018
eare or soft dlgglng methods would b: "“‘3’ “ "‘‘’‘“ “PP"’|”‘“ “ ““ “‘ “3 . .

Iralnlng 13. wh.le Palm: The law cununllv
beneanal wllhoul ucallng an unduc \ I I k [h —
burden torexeavatnrs dzallng wllh 11. Private utilltles; TheArtdoesn't ’“”““‘_f;*d““’“t°‘” f'h‘““l’ ‘ 
asplmlt, mncmtc, or rock on 8 lob»-tn de.' or otherwrse address pnvzllc §“‘;‘;:: bu‘tg‘;;,::::m.;”’n:;‘f,;‘:d:‘

5. Large Pmiecls: Dmlgn llckcts 881%; "83-f"_88=;‘=;‘ 8°fi§f*'°"~ ‘:8  at sraratnas where the

are now furmallv recugnlzcd .n the Pm“ “ “ ' ' ‘°” ‘"7 “ ° “" "g’°‘"‘ whnelrneel area does not rnatel. the

— llnl:~ owned by ut.l.ty euston.ers or

law along wllh a law optrons for I I V I b “h I srooe of work defined on the lneate
ut.l.ty response, but the proees. l~    d: M: "S°;:m request. we rerornmend that the

st.ll sornewhat upon endeel and .s I k h M’ 1? Y K V 1;? A t.eket data be reeugn.zed as the legal
thereture undcrullllzL‘d.Lr1rgn ’ _‘‘m“ '’ °:‘ ‘l:‘‘“ 31"“ ‘$3 t“l"“f document and encourage add.t.onal
occurnng aeros. the state benent tron. dfNF’1:"‘l’C‘ u‘:;“::“v|C:F:m:):‘:t; ‘£10 when they dlffcr There
cooxdinallon and ertnns on the * ' are zll~o exrepuons lo the wh.te pa.nt
imnl enel anel stress the manpower and R“/°’ ““‘“"‘““" R” “‘° d‘‘’‘d‘"$ 1”“ rcqulmmcm that need to be reursrleel .

Damage rmlectinn, Fast, Easy, and Accurntel
- mate detailed cross bare Inspection mconis
- llltemal logging with alone a... alulysls
- Real t.n.e dlstonlon alerts
- hltemal calibration checking
Lucaln bumn n......r. marks! ta... mm“
and camnusysmmi an Iflm/LL7c1Plo
Recelval and sew... Ylallsmlllav
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5 v
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QKJ g g ;
mibnclhlbulorlmss us... IramZ' or Local! ra..ansn..rrnn um
Howl we «win .5“... .. Innmhwllh n. vcammxaz dlsmbulmrl ..a.r so we...
lllsblcuun eanna s.s...a ta... lucalov
‘"'°@“”"ea"h-‘°'“ % WORK SMARTER‘ Vivnx-M-Iminch Cnrporlfinn E Ju-n-mm II.._."———"' as
WWW»”‘R593'(h»‘°’“ 3151 n.a.u st... n... Fm: Bowman: en... iillxfivxrm mm
5.... CI-la. na 5505:. est en... ...r..,m,...... mwwmuxmlmlulunm
2019, Issue 4 Tennessee E11 . 7

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