Page 7 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 7

got in wnrk with these guys." people My lead tech Teny l-uckett, my
mkzd Patrick if he has any tannei lead tech Robett Bnrluw and
my supecvisai stephen Alexander All
suggestions in: contractors when _ _ _
. . ,, three of those men have zo-plus yeais
they call ni tickets. llwnuld teally .
. , DE expznzncz doing what we do. They
hell’ “ they “’““"‘ "‘“l‘‘ “K ‘hey "5 all took me undei «heit wing and have
nnl calling in stutt they are no lungei W I d
dlgging rm." Contractors wurklng on ‘;‘;g1“fhjj2~:;:jffl§'fljf;:;$3:-‘Ego! OU you
“"3 ‘°’"‘ l""l*"‘ "‘“°“’“‘*““Y “P"‘“‘° the shon aniaunt of tune that I've been
tickets ioi the lite of the job even attei logging’ and II“ mm my uh am of 
“WY V“ '““"‘“‘ "“ “"‘“ l""“°“" "‘ their da ID teach ine Certain thin s DI’
the jub where «he zxcnvatlnn wnrk has _ Y .3 5 cents
been CDl'n leted- this ie uiies loeatais ‘“"‘”“"‘V l’}‘°“° “““°d“V “’“‘5h"
ID malk aim wheie noqexcavation is “‘°*“‘ ‘hm ““““““‘Y ‘“l’ “W ‘W t t  t
happening. utility locatais already Tenssa waddell with civil Consrruclnzs 0 a 0 an
stiuggle to keep up with the valuine has this to say about Pati-icki ”PaIrick
Df tickets we'te seeing in Middle meets on site with Bur job toienien and 
Tennessee and by not calling in these when tinie pennits, fnllnws up an iob
aieas the locnlozs gain that tinie In sites thnlazz on-going He is always ,
spend niatking areas whete excavation available to help with a tnendly voice. $3.596 oi
is actually happening. ln sny opinion he enjoys hlis wgtk 1 3111 Mggazine
. . . an is anasset IDDHI woz at ivi i-  »- -— p *
f“"':““ '_‘"* "“ ‘‘’“‘’‘’‘"“E “l” “" “°"" canstiuctois as well as an asset to  _
““ °’”' USIC we need more dedicated locnlors i 
. Have some interest in what ynu do like Pamck.” 1 h\;‘Lj.{':.\,  
3"“ We “b°“‘ b°‘“g “g'‘‘' The cespeet between Patrick and Tei-issa ‘- '3 57" l'.:‘; '_-ti-"5 5  F5
- care because lives ate on «he line with civil constcuetois is mutual t: =‘ t ‘ »
Think about the inan in the ditch, Pati-ick knows that she will inake a
«he guy opeiating the equipment. point uf assisting hiin when he needs
Understand you ate putting them help and makes suie she knows that
at nsk it you dun’l do your best In he's happy to retuln the favor. when / V
accurately mink a line. Tenssa needs a lucnloz on site In answei I 4/ '4‘ ,5
 :i:i:‘:::r‘::;’;:::“;;ii::i“i::;:a o,‘\~ 
""“,‘ Y“'“‘ °’ “" Y°“’ *""“°‘ f“‘d “.°‘ 1”‘? care of Patuck was veiy huinbled and Q ‘A ‘
Y““ '9 “'9 “"9 W“ “as ‘D “"3 °" “- says it means a lot to hiin that Tei-issa % g \ ;\\
- Do you iob nght and it yuu'ze and the athei tolks at civil con.-tiuctais g c 
uncertain, make a phone call and statt respect him and are em-fide-it with his "- ' , *\
commumcilting. abilities. . . ‘
So, what technology helps localors get outside ot wnrk, Patrick says he is a I V“ .L
«heii job done on a daily basis? Pati-ick blessed father at We ywht; kids (tour 1 ‘f’
mgnfions ma. they no MW using 3 and a halt and «hiee yeais old) who . ‘ .
new cellphone that allows them to apvredates his wife for Putting uv with ‘K 9 ‘ *
attach «heit pictutes and put notes on his emzy fvvrk sdiedule Spending Q , '
tiokets tight tioin «heit phone as well su much time wdrk-I-is alongside ' -
as the ability In view theii prints i-ight Dfl‘e§11D(a‘Dr§l Pntriale anid it becumes kg
m,.,, um, Phuna ugic ,5 .,.,i,,,,.g anot Er tainily and at catcies ovei \ ,
vfivax.M2mkd‘ Equtpman. and Patrick In activities outside ui wurk 7 he and  f '
says it woiks well toi what they need. wine at hisleowerkers try their hands . =
Although theie ate nunieious ditteicnt at eompetihen lvarbeque when time
types ui equipment out theie «hatniay Permits l-atnck is abig Dutdoolsrnnn J
Wnrk bettei in cei-tain situations, Patuck Whd ehieys hunting, fisl-ihg; and g
teels cunfident in his equipment camping He says he's working an his
They also use win in «heii (rude to kids’ love int the outdoors but ught now
keep theii laptops online and a ticket they duly tolerate it-
’““““3°"‘?“‘ *""“"”"‘ which ““°""' Pati-ick, the recommendation fmm Make it hap pen!
«heni to click a button when they have C. .1 C I I _ ._ f h I ‘_
the ticket open In pull up the pi-ints ioi I1"; “"1: .’f‘;e°”‘ " l”°° .‘ 3 .Y‘:‘}:’ 50147201 1 3
each utility in the area. d ;';°§m“‘b2}:;‘§  ‘H’: E salesle 81 1 magazines com
I asked Patrick who has been the Tennesseealt, rd like to thank ynu
biggest intluence in his caieer, and he for ynue continued efivrte in damage
was qulck to answer. "nieie am tlnee prevenhun and all ye" do te keep
cnnlracturs sate while zxcnvatlng. I
2019, Issue 4 Tennessee 811 . 5

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