Page 8 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 8

2020 Legislat' e Agenda
a, Ell! Turner
Tennesseefill’. underground legt.-latten .httuld dettne and addte..- ->~ an addrtrunal source of nemrnntrom
uttltty Damage rteyenttun Act but11t()p|C~ let cxCa\'t1lor tepte.entatten en the
TCA6“t31—1U1 « l 11: - , « t - t lb d
immdzd ~mn‘n‘:m)~ ~_“n‘:_‘°“ 2. Damage Ttckets: The law tequtte. L" “mm” "‘" V
_ uulny QPp[a[g[5 .0 mp0,. gamma. 4. Enforcement Penzlhes: wette
tt wa. onglnallv pa.-.ed tn 1‘!/8, wtth ~ ,

r , te CGA . Damage lntutmatten mcL‘|vL‘d Input from .takeheldet.-
‘h“1“““"“P“"‘° "°°‘"“"T4 ‘" 2”” W‘ Ra amt, Tool ([)[[{'|') g... ml‘, . ,m,,tt teque.ttng an mttea.-e tn the monckary
ytew tt a. t1I|\'lng ducument that need. 1’ 5 ; V ‘ t

K _ _ pettentage er the .tate . uttlttte. ate pettaltte. alluwed tet ttndet the law.
to adapt eytt ttmc ttt meet the Cvcrr

. , tegt.teted tn the tmltne appltcatten and setend ut .tth.eqttent ytelatten.
changtng need. at the .tate . damage h _

_ net all ut the cuttent tepttttet. hate of t e law are enrrently mbleet tn
pteyentten .taleeheldet. _
pteytded the data gtant that allew. monctary penaltte. of up to $2,100

Thtttugh cemultattun wtth the thett damage. to appear tn quene. 01' except tn the ca.e ul gm.-. negltgence et
entuteement heatd and tndtt.-tty tepott. run by TN2sll er the TPUC. wllllnl “0“C‘“1‘P‘|t‘"<L‘» The exeeutrve
a.-.uttattun. that tepte.ent both ttttltty wtthettt the alttltty In analyze damage crrmmrttee of the enforcement board
epetatut. and CXCi\\'t1lUh, we catetully data, we lu.e the ahtltty tu put tt tn ha. adepted an |nmrmt1l pollcy of
cen.tdet the Impact of addtng ut u.e tn pteyenttng ttttttte damage.-. A PL‘"““Z“"t4 v-nlnten nt Vt 0‘ the total
temuytng language ttunt the thaptet letmal dantage tttket wuuld teatttte allttwalale penalty talluwed by an
ltelete hltng a htll. The talluwmg the teptttttng ul ettayatton damage.- rnrrernent-rl rnerente or at leaat ‘A at
agenda ttetn.- do nut tepte.ent ttnaltzed te TN811. Data telleeted thtuugh a the amnunt for each future vrelatren.
centept.-; tn.tead they ate atea.- of dantage tttket cuuld then he upluaded we may can.-tdet an tnctea.-e tn E|V|]
tntete.t whete we belteye thete. team to DIRT and wuuld al.u be evaluated l>ennltle~ to better nhzn wlth the

tat |nIpr(\\'CnIL‘nt ta hettet ptutett te detetmtne what ertett legt.-lattye expectattun. at PHMSA, the Plpchnl:
uttdetgtettnd uttlttte. and the pultltt exemptttm. hate en damage. t.-ee and Hazatduu. Matettal. satety

they .-etye. the ttettth cullap..e eatltet tht. yeat tn Adrnrnr-tr-rtront at the federal level.

1. Cross Bates: Hottzuntal P°“““’ TN)’ “h‘‘‘ P‘”'“ ‘“ ’“"“ 5. Excavator Cetttficattun: Recently,

l|kClV(()Ct1|I~‘L‘ a damage, what atea.
Dlrcclmnal Dttlltng (HDDD, al.-e known — anuthet .tate pt1~~'cdlcgI~'It1m)n
of the .tate ate ptane to damage, and , .
a.- dlmctlonal henng, ha.- bCC()l‘nC une requmnz extnr nter~ to he trn-ned nnd
what tvpL‘~ ul ettayatton atttytty have
er the me.t cuntmenly u.ed techmqtte. kh ‘h ah‘ I b M K V f __ It cetttr-ted hetate pettotmtng L‘X(av£\kl()n
[01 tn.tallmg new uttlttte. HDD ‘ '5 L‘ P” “ ‘ ‘ 3 ° “‘“ ‘"8 ‘“ wutk tn the .-tate. The tetttttttattttn
dantage ,

wetlt can he dangemu. tr a new ltne Prezrnm appears tn hnr e been an

t.- dnlled thtettgh an ett.ttng ttttltty 3. Enfurcemem Board: The Mtddle overall -nree~» yreldrnz Intrentet In
tn a .tenattu called a ttu..- hate Tu Chaptcx at the Natmnal awatene.. and dectea.e. tn damage.-.
tetlect the wtde.-ptead tt.-e of HDD uttltty Lunttactat. A...actatttttt 6_ Emuuve Cmmmee: TPUC
aC!(\~‘~ Tenne..-te and the putenttal (NULA) wttuld ltke ta he cemtdeted ,

legal .tatt .ugge.t..- that thete . mum tut

l’|~‘k~‘ a.-.uctated wtth tte.. buIL‘~, the

5: Termess:eEl1 2019 lssue4

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