Page 6 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 6

Byioaon muba  ' h t
Damage Prevenrrorl Llatson S O I
l hy do i need to white line 5.2 suggests that the eireavator designate tirkets that require marking.
my dig loeation when the route and/or area to he ereavated . .
‘ I d k. . h. _ 7 _k. h h Another tommon tirket type that is
a rea y gave mar ing using w ite pie mar ing w en t e , , .
. . . . time eonsuming tor loeators is the
instriirtions on my lorate excavation site rannot he elearly and . . . .

_  . . . . installation or signs or poles. while
IEq\IESI. An eiteavator may view ivhite adeoiiately identihed on the loeate , .

1. . d dd. . I . . . . it may he easier on the eontraetor to

ining as an unnetessaiy an a itioiia tirket. Again, the more inlonnation the ,

. . . . . . . . . eall in i,5oo teet of roadway lor the
timeeonsuming step to getting their dig loeator has on the yoh slim the easier it . . . , .

. , , . _ . installation or then- signs oi- poles, in
site marked, hut white markings may is to make sure the lorate is tompleted . .
artiially save you time on youi- job Let’: areurately and eovers yoiir entii-e area ‘” “““““‘V "‘“Y 3'“ °"1Y P1‘““€ 3

' . - 300 teet. By ralling in the
take a look at a tew ol the reasons why of excavation. "‘3".‘ “*5”? I I ‘h 1 ‘ . _ . my
First and loremost, in Tennesseei it is lining your dig site can save you time. when a contractor takes the time to
part of the underground utility uamage By showing eitaetly what needs to he white mark oi- plare stakes at all sign
prevention Act (Tennessee code 65'3I' marked when the lorator shows up, and pole loeations, it trees up time for
told (by) that you are required to white yoii nearly eliminate any question as the lorator and gets them to theii- neitt
mark yoiir dig site. The law states that to what exactly you need marked. This tirket taster. when you're the "next
the loration of your eiteavation shall saves you time by not having to answer Iirket," you want that loeator to get
lie marked in salety white paint or queslions troin the loeator over the there taster, so help the proress along
stakes hy the person responsihle tor phone or even having to meet them on hy not heing the ioh site that holds up a
the eirravation or demolition. while site in order to eitplain exattly what you lorator unnetessarily.
th t 1' h d -k l 1' . .
.n§"’n?,'t“tfe fe“”.?i‘§§a"tif'$v‘i.§Ye " 3v°ifea"”‘o :how .‘.“‘§n“ §i°t'e‘?.I 13°; "31 What ‘ have W2  W ‘mm '11-: -5

V . " . . . h 1 ‘ I V?’ d fipd h 1 I 5 _V the impoitanee or working together.
yoiir eireavation site, it is a very e p u eirravatioii an n t at t ie orator , . . . _. .
_ . . . white lining is elaiity and tnne
tool for the loratois that are going out did not mark the entire area that you . ,
. . . savings, wliith equates to satety and
to mark these sites. sometimes the needed causing you to have to make a . . .
. _ prodiirtivity. while ive all know that
wording on the loeate xequest ean he setond rall to the one rall renter and/ . ,
. _ . . . _ . everybody is liusy and has deadlines to
eontusing oi direetions may not line or having the loeator eome back out to I ‘. ‘ I h ‘h
up eitaetly with what the lorator is mark an oversight of an additional so '“°° *5?“ “"95 W‘ “"99 3 .°“ . 5"”
seeing on site By white lining yoiir feet (or you °‘" ““‘°“‘ 3”“ °‘h"5‘ w’“‘“ 1"““g
. . ‘ . ' tissues with getting your
eirravation site it takes the guesswoi-k . . . ““ P'“°" .
On the other side or this is the lorators lotates eompleted allowing you to start
out or what exactly needs to be marked. _ .
when you are Wm “mg he sum time. For example. when an excavator your work on time. it can also help
. . . . ealls in a lorate request tor a dirertional hiidge the i-elationship gap hetween
that you identily yoiir white markings .

. . . . liore and states on the tieket that they lorators and eontraetors. As a contract
‘”"*‘ ‘°’"P““Y """“ °" '““'“" ‘° need ever hin lotated fmm street A ('11 l t ' ' H l '1
t:liF[er2ntiate yoiir markings lroni other V‘ ‘3 . “ ‘ ‘ Y “"3 °' '“ 3 P'“"’.“5. ' 9‘ ”“

, . to street B on both sides ol the road, say enough how helptul it is to show up
eirravators who may he working in the . . . . . .

this can he a very time ronsiiming to a yoh site and have tlear markings
same area. . ,
loeate. However. it the eontraetor went showing what eitartly needs to he

lveirt. white lining is a common out and white lined their bore path marked allowing me to he tonhdent
Ground Alliante (CGA) Best praetiee. prior to rallingin their tieket, the that the entire job was marked whenl
That means the CGA Best rrartiees lncalor may only have to locate one side leave the site. Keep in mind the person
committee, made up or is industry of the road. Overralling tirkets heraiise on the other side or yoiir loeate request
stakeholder groups (including it is easier on the excavation‘ makes it and do everything you can to help them
eireavators) reaehed a eonsensus that more time consuming lor the lntalorv peitorm their job. it roiild save you time
white lining is a netessaiy part ol the preventing them trom getting to other and money in the long runv .
sale digging process. CGA Best Prattire
4. rennesseeate eoeoissvee

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