Page 8 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 8

Madison Endres
Damage Prevention MVP 5oim""Z§§eoa‘n‘"°"““‘
hrough promotions *
and eduration lroin In-IE is a Hit’ /\
difierent stakeholder ’ " , yr ' \

important message ol “Call an - _ — _i - A ‘ g .

hetore you dig‘ rearhes a large ' _ f ,. ;‘ " ' ‘ ‘
audienre arross the state. one "‘ ', ‘[37 n. l“.=1*" ' .
group that is otten overlooked .‘ « _ ; » ‘ e y
in an education is tomorrow's ~~ . V y I 7 _ .‘ :
generation: oui- kids. in rural ,,.a* f ‘ l , _ . ‘ jug‘ 3
west Tennessee. Madison _ ' 4 ‘-3.’ _ 3
Endres with west Tennessee «* '  * _ ",
Public Utility District . .

(WTPUD), is rnakinga L_ s*;\,_ , X I _ ,_
diF[erence hy schnnling lourth— 3. g _ «. "

E7339 5135595» H" P'°€“'“ Auulluurl EtlllN\

is ahout sit and natural gas win Tzmlroze Publvt two, oiunn Madis-m was assisted during 11“ programs by Bm-1|

safety. Madison started this Dillahunty, WTPUDs general manager. Madison inentioiied.
school presentation last fall and it was received with curiosity “We had a system. Brent would introduce us and tell the
and excitement. students about VVTPUD. That would lead mz into starting
Madison is the marketing .nsnsge.. for w'rl>uD and has been g‘;1{'$;§§‘“"§"‘§fifrjfj;;‘;:f‘fij‘jfl;;’{s“;;§'°“"
g}_}: ‘h; ‘"‘“'v {N °";v°;r~ '1*°',§i;=§€'°r‘".*} was Ii" -vafitine this interactive presentation.  approach was to gn

P °‘°g""F' ‘" 3“ 5 ° "‘ 5° ° 3 5”" 3‘ “‘ 9 W“ 3 through three oi- lour slides and then ask a question. The

is; f;};:;:":jf):f‘;"l1f:V-;'*:év‘vVa*lnar; 3*i;;:::' gfgiijtzgffiy presentation lsegan by asking the question. “What is sit»

to encoura 'n eo e to et natura as int eir omes to a . ' . .

the puhlir glwfrgnegs aurdigts with schgols, public olerials and  “‘‘°“‘'°“ 3“ ‘M’ “E” ‘‘’"“d '" "’ “V 3"“ ""“ “
eirravators, it sounded challenging hut run to find ereative ways P ’

to accomplish these tasks." she's also very active on WTI"UD's For students to stay on task inost principals requested that
social media and she shares that although she didn't have a the program he presented in a classroom setting. This kept
haekgiound working tor a natural gas company, she has learned each group to a smaller nuinher of students. Along with the
a lot in a yeai-. difierent prizes that were given out to students. Madison
Last August. Madison reached an to on schools in wTruD's g§;j(‘::j;g 3;: 5;“ v;;;**;;*5f;;1;‘:f;3;§§[;‘;;,;‘;;K;dm
°°“"“5° 3"“ 3"“ ‘P°"° """‘ P"‘"“P““ ‘° 5*‘ P°"‘““‘,‘°" ‘°, Brent also gave all the students rulers that they could use at
start a school program tor tourthgrade students. Madison said, schm Madison 53; d. .1 I had both ‘mum and ms [ago D“

we talked to many people — some in the natural gas industry H_ The smdgms many liked (hm.

and others who work in school systems — and decided fourth

graders are the hest target age because they retain a lot of Madison also told me that she put the short sii pirate

what they hear." She explained to prineipals that the program video in the presentation. Madison mentioned, “The pirate
was ahout iii and natural gas salety and said the goal lor the video is around 7 minutes long. it goes over why you
program was to stay lietween 3D'45 minutes and come at a should call Sn and what the difierent color ilags and paint
convenient time for the teachers to prevent disruptions. “We indicate." Along with the pirate video. there was a slide in
wanted to be flexible with their time." To further minimize the the PowerPoint covering the diiterent colors of marking
impact on teachers schedules and existing curriculum. Madison underground lines. After that slide, Madison would ask the
chose the fall semester to do the program because she knew the students to name the difierent colors. White was typically
spring was busy tor schools due to testing. not mentioned and that would get the students to ask what

is white paint? Madison would explain that white paint
e. Yznnuseesll 2D2O,lssu22

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