Page 9 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 9

(‘lb  I  Damage rmcectinn, Fast, Easy, and Accumex
- Cmme derailed cross bore Insyecrlon nteents
he Tennsssen A.-wetntton of utthty Dislnch (TAUD) ' '"“"‘“' '°“'"° "”"‘ "°““ “"‘ ‘""""
wnnten tn wntet D n pmfnailonzll netwntktng gmup ' ""' “"" ""‘°"‘°" "‘"‘
dedtenten to women nettvely cngagcd tn the wntet and - Wmal =a|Ihr-Hon checklnu
wn.te wntet pm[C~slDn hm bcnn created for nettvotktng,

gxowtll, and Isducalmnal Dpportunlllcs. Mcmbcn of wntnen
tn Water Work nt wntet tn waslswalsr p1nnt~,tttt1ttyon'-tee.., L b m H K B M d
Izngmcnnng x’-tnns, mgulatnry ngenctes, educnnunal ln~‘Ut|lUDn~  ““5'K‘E':,f:‘,m'm"_'VL'L,EI_L‘,§',"D “
and me. n..-eetnte..- Rebmvfil and 5—WaII renenttttv
The mlsalon .-tntetnent of wntnett tn wntet t. to:

n. Pmmole fcmalz tnvnlvetnent at nu TAUD Evn:nl~

b Facxhtam tnvolvetnent of young female pxofI:~s|unala on

mazardl and teehntent entntntttee.

e. Develnp and tnentnt ynttng fzmaln: pmiesaxonah

a Exchtmgn Ideas Ihmugh netwntktng between ntentbet.-.

e seek nndtttennl oppottttnttte. fol rttnheteehtentton. Mibnflfiwbunovtmssburnilmmflot‘

f. Promote the Water and waalewatcr |ndu~Iry In local ;;;;;5§"'-cg*m"_1;~gy;_;;~ W WW -33;;-:g;;‘;;:-i WWW"


wonentnwtnngtmn.nnnnttnet.nvetv.ngttn —
women whn nte allA~'so:|at2 Mcmbnn ofTAUD. llwm the E: ‘I--we u:-—;_;
have that LI--s informal mung would grow mm mm The  new... tn. Fm: IDDAAEJGYZ  nhxfivxnn BDM
fihl-Ilms mnclmg Included Dina cottge nisoutlmaslem S-"W-H-WW5--USA P’-W “WE'VE”-W mum-an-mama
Tnnk, A.-h1y Rlthazds of IR. Waufold, KaIhyQut1rlezmaine of
Tenne.-.eea11, Jenna Hnzelet of setvLtne and Carolyn Rambo
of ptnnnele Partners No one nt Lhal htneh evet lmagmzd how
mt wotnen tn VVaIL‘r would evolve mun etnbtneed t1te tnen
eontpletely and wntnen tn wntet wt1~ e.tnb1t.hen. Apnl cnn.1et
ofFIr~IUul1(y Dwlnct of Knox cnttnty dmlgnnd the logs for the
gzoup. ‘TEXAS GAS
The wntnen tn wntet plan tn hnve a vanuty of funCUDn~ such as —  ' ""'" ""°"' ”'°
tneet and gteet, teehntent se.-.~ton~, TAUD Rngmnal M2I2l|ng~ and
other sucml event. to help aid tn nclworklng. on Attgtt.-t BL}: the
Womcn tn wntet held thett firbl event at the TAUD BIX~‘lnes‘a of 3 O A R D WA I. K
Runmng a uttltty conretenee tn Catllnburg. Through donnttnn.
by Womnn tn wntet cntntntttee Mzmbsh we tvete nble tn
pmwdc eneh nttendee nnth n gntttntet boxnd htneh and a .-eu.
e1e:en.e Iramlng enttt.-e tnttght by Lenn shtexas, a TN Lmenscd
Polme ufficsr wtth years of [mining the hem. Thete wete almnal D
90 attendee. nt lhh fin! event. PIPELINE PARTNERS
wenten tn Walcr conttntttee Members ate;

Apul Canalcr 7 F113;‘ U;‘1I]I_1/ Dlshirf Uf Km): Culutfy . . . .

Ashley R|:11t1xd~—] R W/zufmd s Conlymty .C°"""f'“ed|.‘°bfpe':‘t'"9 P"|’.e|'"° A559“

Chloe Pool _ Churchfm In B Sade, '9 [ad 8 ST‘  |3I|'I[ mlanfner

Carolyn Rambo — Pimmclc Bflrlk/Kflymuttd yams 3" F"°"' ‘"9 ‘ 9 '9 .95‘ We °

Dma Couge — 5UI4H1m5;‘fl'V1 Tank °”5‘°'"e" 5‘""""-

Jennn Hamlet 7 set n1.t.te

Knthy Qttnttennntne — 'R‘ttm‘ssecB11

Kenn Hyet. — First unmy DI'5;‘1'1tID/'KttU). County .
Fnt tnote mformallon about wtmten tn wntet, etnntl
knmy.qttnttettnnmeeutettneesees11.eent.fl """uu“""'”‘*',_u"'_‘

em new Termesseesll . 7

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