Page 9 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 9

k,_, - ' i ; ‘ g. tneant proposed exravation and at was
- ' ' ' " ’ - H ,e.’,‘n-a‘ /I impcu'(anlto\vhilelinetoindicale
> E] CE '1 ‘K ;_1 ‘Ly’ L where you were going to dig.
, ._ t I, :» _» I . . .
 E ml Q 7 ~__ I 5 —15‘___ — , ,— Mad1sonIsaDamage I"rzvenl|Dn
HQ -~ .’_,. : "st ,1 :, MVP betause of lwerwillingness to
st ' I , educate our youngzr generation. From
 A A K ‘ 5--4‘ , ‘\ Seplemberunlil late Novemherlhe
"f ; _ ~ _ \ g-q~ program was presented across five
:’ v.- )i "H <. 5 counties, 13 schools, Ilweir faculty and
L: V ‘K, \ _ _,, t slafi‘ and a total of 700 founlw gn-aaetsv
‘ y" . " A’, ‘I, ‘ As an added benefit, we can only
._ r , a s. . t _ imagine how many parents lea.-nea
‘ , . \ — ' almul nalural gas safety and 3.. once
' ; , ’- I IhEiI‘E1Wild|’El1 got home rt-om school.
‘ V \- — : All the schools werz so impressed with
V _ _ W __m__ the program that WTPUD will he
er B u!-Ag“. -—  _,,,w.*j- ::n)11?(inull;/ximgdeducallillg studentis zveryh
*' C L‘ .. * 9 - aaso aisonpansonupalingte
I  5 E 1; _ _ -’:- presentation to teatu.-e new slides and
___= - ,_= . E‘ :. ‘_fil ' -— show and tell. "Bulb Bnentandlwene
-*'  » v— - .- “" ’ 3; sad when we went Io our last school
~ E\_ ., ‘ Y. ‘ 15 . n , '%_" ' Io do the p|‘og1‘aIn" Madison admilled,
x,‘ _  *' ’ ~ i~ :  ‘V “ "we are already luoking forward to nzxl
 .. - , ~ 7% fall.'
‘  ‘ *- _ i V  e ‘ Madaeen, thank you for applying yen.-
r_r‘_§.‘.  I ’ 3*, (4 ‘  hand v;lA::r|S lospreadxna
.. ._ - ._4 ~ IE a e are you tg message, an
. . Q , ~e _ ‘I. Ihank you (or helping prepare the next
‘  4 V ‘ genzration 0; Safe Digging Panners. fig
\ .
The UtiHGuard"‘ 2 Umity Locating System: ,
I -
' /
N S f?‘ ‘ ME
AM the woven pevvotmancehoosttng features of the or\gma\ 1 F ; \
PLUS mlegvated data capture‘ GFS posmonmg‘ and a move ‘ ‘:3 J
mlumve usev mtevface tor a more confident‘ aectstve Vocate. ’
Leam more at subsi! and  B T E.
ask your Ditch Witch dealer.
E L E c T R o N I c s
DHu£1VYhu Lvt;/xnsMncmnz-wrvvunt: SUDSNE com

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